- 41经济差距影响友谊 Economic disparity influence friendship
- 42当下成功所需要的一种技能 A skill that is needed at the moment.
- 43一次性塑料袋 Disposable plastic bags
- 44爱心俱乐部 Love club
- 45草率的判断是否可信 A hasty judgment
- 46名字的重要性 Importance of name
- 47关于领导 About leadership
- 48旅行扩大了思想 Travel broadens the mind
- 49人脑和电脑的不同 Different human brain and computer
- 50Youth Unemployment 青年失业
- 51学校是否应该让学生评估老师 Should the school let the students evaluate the teacher
- 52旅程之“余”"The rest of the journey"
- 53中国小城镇的用电量 Electricity consumption in small towns in China
- 54招聘广告 Recruitment advertisement
- 55人类活动是在改善还是在破坏地球?Is human activity improving or destroying the earth?
- 56旅程之“余”"The rest of the journey"
- 57学生不重视拼写
- 58诚实利人利己 It Pays to Be Honest
- 59企业应当终生雇佣职员吗?Should companies hire employees for a lifetime?
- 60好室友是什么样的? What is a good roommate?