- 21信息爆炸 Information explosion
- 22家长与学生的关系 the relationships between Parents and Stude
- 23鸡蛋放到一个篮子 Eggs in one basket
- 24节约花钱 Save money
- 25选择专业 Choose the Major
- 26公务员热 The popularity of Civil Servant
- 27工作的价值 The Value of Work
- 28小小名人 The Little famous Stars
- 29自驾游 self-driving tourism
- 30享受有意义的生活 enjoy a meaningful life
- 31泰勒斯威夫特的故事 the story of Taylor Swift
- 32我被骗的经历 my Experience of Being Cheated
- 33热点话题同性 the hot topic Gay
- 34一个美国女孩在中国传统服装 An American girl in traditional Chinese costume
- 35呆在原地还是搬到别的地方? Stay in place or move to another place?
- 36博物馆免费对外开放 Museum free opening
- 37你是否喜欢尝试新鲜事物 Do you like to try new things
- 38政府是否该把钱花在铁路建设上.Whether the government should spend money on railway construction
- 39热衷证书考试 Keen certificate test
- 40私家车是否应该交污染税 Whether private cars should pay taxes on pollution