- 221科学家应受到国家的尊重-Honor Scientists as National.
- 222Cheating in Exams Is Shameful Conduct-作弊是可耻的行为,Cheat
- 223Your Ideal Partner-你理想中的伙伴,Your Ideal Partner-你理想
- 224因特网冲浪-Internet Surfing
- 225Be Active in Class-上课要积极,Be Active in Class-上课要积极
- 226找一份理想的工作-Finding a Good Job
- 227Dont Scribble on the Desk-不要在桌上乱写乱画,Dont Scribble o
- 228日出前的一个小时An Hour before Sunrise
- 229Convenience and Nature-方便与自然,Convenience and Nature-方
- 230种花-Growing Flowers
- 231我慷慨的爷爷-My Generous Grandfather
- 232Hold to Your Dreams-坚持你的梦想,Hold to Your Dreams-坚持你
- 233我们的英语老师- Our English Teacher
- 234汉语的魅力-The Charm of Chinese Language
- 235Technology--A Double-edged Sword-科技--一把双刃剑,Technolog
- 236超级市场-Supermarkets
- 237Computer: Blessing or Curse?-电脑的利弊,Computer: Blessing o
- 238Newspapers, a Medium of the Past?-报纸、杂志过时了吗?,Newspa
- 239Decoding of Genes: Hope or Dread?-基因破译:希望还是害怕?,Dec
- 240我的日常活动-My Daily Activities