- 24121st Century: Newspapers Vs. Internet-二十一世纪:报纸vs. 互
- 242我的志向-My Ambition
- 243爸爸-Father
- 244电子邮件-E-mail
- 245如何处理亚健康
- 246私车 On Private Cars
- 247健康与疾病 Health and Disease
- 248A Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步,A Walk along the Seashore
- 249个人习惯与公共卫生
- 250Chinese Senior Citizen-中国的老年人,Chinese Senior Citizen-
- 251求职信
- 252A Letter to Home-一封家书,A Letter to Home-一封家书范文
- 253Pollution, a Terrible Threat to Mankind-污染,人类的严重威胁
- 254Is Space Research a Waste of Money?-探索太空是一种浪费吗?,Is
- 255A Letter to a Schoolmate-给同学的一封信,A Letter to a School
- 256我人生的真正考验
- 257拥有私家车的变化
- 258就业时选择高薪还是好的职业
- 259How Does Technology Influence Our Lives?-科技如何影响我们的
- 260竞争与合作 On competition and cooperation