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 1.I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _____ the book from which it was made.
  A. have read         B. had read
  C. should have read     D. are reading
  2.You are late. If you _____ a few minutes earlier, you _____ him.
  A. come; would meet     B. had come; would have met
  C. come; will meet      D. had come; would meet
  3.The two students talked as if they _____ friends for years.
  A. should be      B. would be
  C. have been      D. had been
  4.It is important that I _____ with Mr. Williams immediately.
  A. speak       B. spoke
  C. will speak     D. to speak
  5.He looked as if he _____ ill for a long time.
  A. was      B. Were   C. has been   D. had been
  6.If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child would not _____.
  A. have laid there for two hours        B. have been lied there for two hours
  C. have lied there for two hours       D. have lain there for two hours
  7.I wish that I _____ with you last night.
  A. went      B. could go
  C. have gone   D. could have gone
  8.Let’s say you could go there again, how _____ feel?
  A. will you     B. should you
  C. would you     D. do you
  9.I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he _____ everything.
  A. knew            B. knows
  C. has known         D. had known
  10._____ the fog, we should have reached our school.
  A. Because of   B. In spite of
  C. In case of   D. But for
  11.If you had told me in advance, I _____ him at the airport.
  A. would meet       B. would had met
  C. would have met     D. would have meet
 12.Mike can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he_____ me how.
  A. teaches          B. will teach
  C. has taught        D. would teach
  13.I would have told him the answer, had it been possible, but I _____ so busy then.
  A. had been       B. were
  C. was          D. would be
  14.He’s working hard for fear that he _____.
  A. should fall behind    B. fell behind
  C. may fall behind      D. would fallen behind
  15.If it _____ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.
  A. had rained     B. would have rained
  C. have seen      D. rained
  16.He suggested that they _____ use a trick instead of fighting.
  A. should        B. would
  C. do          D. had
  17.My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _____ there.
  A. not went      B. won’t go
  C. not go       D. not to go
  18.I would have gone to the meeting if I _____ time.
  A. had had      B. have had
  C. had        D. would have had
  19.Would you rather I _____ buying a new bike?
  A. decided against   B. will decide against
  C. have decided     D. shall decide against
  20.You look so tired tonight. It is time you _____.
  A. go to sleep       B. went to sleep
  C. go to bed        D. went to bed
  21.—Why didn’t you buy a new car?
    —I would have bought one if I _____ enough money.
  A. had        B. have had
  C. would have    D. had had
  22.If she could sew, _____.
  A. she make a dress       B. she would have made a shirt
  C. she will make a shirt    D. she would had made a coat
  23._____ today, he would get there by Friday.
  A. Would he leave     B. Was he leaving
  C. Were he to leave    D. If he leaves
  24.His doctor suggested that he _____ a short trip abroad.
  A. will take     B. would take
  C. take        D. took
  25.The Bakers arrived last night. If they’d only let us know earlier,_____ at the station.
  A. we’d meet them       B. we’ll meet them
  C. we’d have met them     D. we’ve met them
  26.If I _____ you, I _____ more attention to English idioms and phrases.
  A. was; shall pay         B. am; will pay
  C. would be; would pay      D. were; would pay
  27.We might have failed if you _____ us a helping hand.
  A. have not given     B. would not give
  C. had not given      D. did not give
  28.The law requires that everyone _____ his car checked at least once a year.
  A. has             B. had
  C. have            D. will have
  29.It is strange that he _____ so.
  A. would say      B. would speak
  C. should say     D. will speak
  30.Had I known her name, _____
  A. or does she know mine?      B. and where does she live?
  C. she would be beautiful.      D. I would have invited her to lunch.
  31.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he _____ all about that.
  A. know       B. knows
  C. known      D. knew
  32.If I _____ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car.
  A. possessed          B. owned
  C. had             D. had had
  33.He was very busy yesterday; otherwise, he _____ to the meeting.
  A. would come        B. came
  C. would have come     D. will come
  34.The librarian insists that John _____ no more books from the library before he returns all the books he has borrowed.
  A. will take           B. took
  C. take             D. takes
  35.I left very early last night, but I wish I _____ so early.
  A. didn’t leave       B. hadn’t left
  C. haven’t left       D. couldn’t leave
  36.I do not have a job. I would find one but I _____ no time.
  A. had             B. didn’t have
  C. had had           D. have
  37.I wish that you _____ such a bad headache because I’m sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.
  A. hadn’t      B. didn’t have had
  C. hadn’t had    D. hadn’t have
  38.He insisted that we all _____ in his office at one o’clock.
  A. be          B. to be
  C. would be       D. shall be
  39.Helen couldn’t go to France after all. That’s too bad. I’m sure she would have enjoyed it if _____.
  A. she’s gone        B. she’ll go
  C. she’d gone        D. she’d go
  1.His doctor suggested that he ______ a short leave of absence.
  A.will take   B.would take   C.take   D.took
  2.The job would require that ______ at 7 o'clock every morning.
  A.he will be at the factory   B.he be at the factory
  C.he was at the factory     D.he has been at the factory
  3.Your advice that she ______ till next week is reasonable.
  A.will wait   B.is going to wait   C.waits  D.wait
4.The housemaster was strict.He requested that we ______ television on week nights.
  A.not watch               B.must not to watch
  C.not be watching            D.have not watched
  5.It is necessary that a worker ______ his work on time.
  A.accomplishes           B.can accomplish
  C.accomplish            D.has accomplished
  6.It is important that he ______ his decision before Friday.
  A.will make   B.makes   C.make   D.must make
  7.You look so tired. It's time you ______ .
  A.go to sleep    B.went to sleep
  C.go to bed     D.went to bed
  8.I'd rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.
  A.do   B.didn't do   C.don't   D.didn't
  9.But for water,it ______ impossible to live in the desert.
  A.is   B.was   C.were   D.wouldn't be
  10. ______ it______ for your help,I couldn't have made any progress.
  A.Had;not been           B.Should;not been
  C.Did;not been           D.Not;be
  11.Long ______ the Party!
  A.lives   B.live    C.will live   D.should live
  12.Mary insisted that Tom ______ her the ring back.
  A.gives   B.give   C.given   D.have given
  13.My suggestion was that the meeting ______ off till next week.
  A.to put                 B.be put
  C.should put               D.be putting
  14.Mother suggested that I ______ my homework first before watching TV.
  A.did     B.do    C.shall do  D.have done
  15.He insisted that nothing ______ till he arrived.
  A.must be started                  B.ought to be started
  C.could be started                 D.should be started
  16.Tom suggests that Ann ______ the house.
  A.can sell   B.sells    C.sell    D.sold
  17.It's better that he ______ it from you.
  A.'ll hear    B.hears   C.should hear   D.heard
  18.It was necessary that he ______ about what had happened.
  A.be told    B.was told   C.should tell    D.tell
  19.It's astonishing that she ______ sad at news that it has nothing to do with her.
  A.felt   B.should feel   C.'ll feel    D.would feel
  20.It was strange that we ______ short of water in the country where it was always raining.
  A.are    B.be    C.should be    D.both B and C
  21.It is strange that she ______ marry such an ugly man.
  A.would   B.should    C.shall   D.must
  22.It's not right that the meeting ______ off till tomorrow.
  A.must be put   B.must put   C.will be put   D.be put
  23.It was impossible that he ______ the train, for he had started out very early.
  A.could have missed              B.must have missed
  C.should have missed              D.should miss
  24.It's a pity that he ______ such a good chance.
  A.should miss B.should have missed C.has missed D.all the above
  25.He tried to find some excuse for the debt, but I insisted that he ______ it off at once.
  A.must pay   B.ought to pay   C.paid   D.pay
  26.Mr. Ford insisted that he ______ right, though the others didn't think so.
  A.should do   B.should have done   C.had done   D.did
  27.His pale face suggested that he ______ the sad news.
  A.should be told     B.should have been told
  C.was told         D.had been told
  28.He suggested that we ______ here at once.
  A.should leave   B.must leave    C.left    D.ought to leave
  29.My order is that everyone ______ their own work in time.
  A.must complete   B.completed     C.completes    D.complete
  30.We've made the decision that we ______ at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning.
  A.will gather       B.are about to gather
  C.would gather      D.should gather
  31.----I'll be waiting for you at home.
    ---- ______ I were busy and couldn't come?
  A.What if    B.What when   C. How if   D.How when
  32.After he was praised for what he had done, he said,“I ______ even better under harder conditions. ”
  A.would do   B.would have done   C.did   D.had done
  33.It has been raining for a day, but even though it ______ , we ______ there by tomorrow.
  A.hadn't rained, couldn't get     B.hadn't rained, can't get
  C.didn't rain, couldn't get      D.didn't rain, can't get
  34.We could not have succeeded ______ your help.
  A.but for                      B.without
  C.if it had not been for              D.all the above
  35.I dare say he is not your true friend, because a true friend ______ differently when you were in trouble.
  A.acted    B.had acted C.would act   D.would have acted
  1—5 BBDAD       6—10 DDCAD          11—15 CDCAA     16—20 ACAAD
  21—25 DBCCC      26—30 DCCCD          31—35 DDCCB      36—39 DCAC
  3.as if后面如果表示真实情况就不用虚拟。
  4.It is important that是主语从句的虚拟语气,从句用sb. should do的形式。
  5.as if后面是真实情况,不虚拟。
  7.could have done表示“本来可以”。
  9.as if表示不可能发生的事情时用虚拟语气。
  10.but for表示“要不是……的话”,通常与虚拟语气搭配使用。
  11.in advance表示“事先”,表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。
  14.for fear that后面的状语从句用sb. should do的形式。
  16.suggest后面的宾语从句用sb. should do的形式。
  17.suggest后面的从句用sb. should do的形式,should可以省略。
  19.would rather的宾语从句用sb. did的形式。
  20.It is time后面的定语从句用sb. did的形式。
  22.would have done是过去将来完成时,表示与过去相反的虚拟语气。
  24.suggest后面的从句用sb. should do的形式,should可以省略。
  28.require后面的从句用sb. should do的形式,should可以省略。
  29.It is strange that是主语从句的虚拟语气,从句用sb. should do的形式。
  30.had I known是与过去相反的虚拟语气的倒装形式。
  31.as if表示不可能发生的事情时用虚拟语气。
专项练习2 参考答案
  1.C  2.B  3.D   4.A  5.C
  6.C  7.D  8.B   9.D  10.A
  11.B 12.B  13.B  14.B
  15. D  insist作“要求别人做某事”解,其宾语从句用should型虚拟语气。
16. C  这种should型虚拟语气,有时可将should省略,因此,C项的sell不能有人称变化。
  17.C  本句话有“要求”的意思,故选C。
  18. A  C、D为主动,在此不妥。
  19. B  选B表示了说话人带有一种十分惊讶的感情,选A项与she的人称不相一致,是错的。参见本章语法说明。
  20. D  
  21.B  should带有感情色彩。
  22.D  本句带有要求之意,故从句谓语用should型虚拟语气。D项中的should被省略。
  23.C  本句带有惊讶之意,故从句须用should型虚拟语气。但由于是过去的事情所产生的惊讶,所以用should+不定式完成式。
  24.D  如选A,这表达了说话人对将来的事所发出的感叹,选B则是对已经过去的事情的感叹。选C则是一个直陈语气,即说话人对此并不一定感到十分惋惜,而是对此事的陈述。
  25.D  insist在作“坚持要求别人做某事”时,需要用should型虚拟语气,should也可以省略。
  26.C  insist在作“坚持自己的观点、看法等”解时,不需要用虚拟语气,所以A、B两项用在此处不当。D项时态不准确,故也应排除。
  27.D  suggest作建议解时,后接了should型虚拟语气,但在本句中作“表明”解,这时不用虚拟语气,A、B两项都应排除,C项时态不当。
  28.A  在本句中suggest作“建议”解,故选A。
  29.D  “建议”、“命令”、“要求”等动词的名词形式做主语时,其表语从句也须用should型虚拟语气,本句中的should被省略。
  30.D  “建议”、“命令”、“要求”等动词的名词形式做主语时,后接同位语从句时也须should型虚拟语气。
  31.A  What if…?常用于省略疑问句,既可以用于虚拟语气,也可用于直陈语气。本句不省略的形式为What would you do if。
  32.B  本句的under引出一个非真实的条件,当然也可以是真实条件。根据上下文,应理解为与过去事实相反,故其谓语动词用would have done。
  33.B  even though=even if意为“即使”。它同if一样可以引出一个真实的让步从句,也可以引出一个非真实的让步从句。根据上文,even though是一个非真实的与过去事实相反的让步从句。而主句we can't get there却是一个真实的情况。
  35.D  从全句的意思分析,a true friend-differently实际上是指一种假设,而when引导的从句又告诉我们,这是一个与过去事实相反的假设,故用would have acted。




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