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成功的钥匙:展现信心的力量 3-英语美文成功篇

成功的钥匙:展现信心的力量 3-英语美文成功篇

别在过完一天之后,才发现当天的所作所为,对明确目标 没有一点明显的贡献。虽然房地产经纪人无法每天都卖出一 栋房子,但是他们每天都会带着客户去看房子,会谈论他 (它),回顾潜在客户名单,演练销售方法,想像他们将成为一 个家庭,介绍那么美丽的房子。虽然这些并非实际的销售行 为,但他们都是实际销售行为的一部分。
don't let a day pass without making at least on definite move toward attaining your major purpose.keep up day,but you can be sure that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's reviewing her list of clients,that she's walking through it by herself, imagining what a wonderful home it will make for family. each of these steps may not be the actual sale,but they're as much as part of it as the actual closing.

选择一位富裕、自力更生和成功的人作为“楷模”,并时时 想到你不但要迎头赶上,而且还要超越他。别告诉别人你所 选择的楷模,因为选择楷模的目的不在于进行公开的竞争,而 在于借着比自己强的人,来确立你要走的方向。
choose a "pacesetter." pick someone prosperous,self-reliant, and successful ,and make up your mind not only to catch up with that person but to pass him or her by.dont's tell anyone this i your gol.the point is not to win a public contest but to get where you want to go.
在你的四周放置书籍、图片、座右铭能强化成就和自力更 生意义的东西,并且随时变更放置位置。这些可使人警惕反 省的东西,能帮助你有机会从不同的角度观看这些东西,并和 其他不同的东西发生联系。
surround yourself with books,pictures,mottoes,and other suggestive devices.pick things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self-reliance.work constantly to add to your collection, to move things to new places,where you can see them in a different light and in association with different things.

上述那位房地产经纪人,将她的“百万富翁俱乐部”证书 的影本框起来,放在她的书桌上。有一天她清除证书上面的 灰尘,清完灰尘后随手放在一份报纸上。当她准备再去拿证 书时,发现报纸上有篇报道一位最近被雇用的足球教练的新闻。“他总得要有个可以住的地方吧!”她心想。你猜猜看她 把她最近想要卖的一栋房子卖给谁了?
my realtor friend kept a framed copy of her million dollar club certificate over her desk. one day she took it down to dust and set it on top of a newspaper. when she picked it up again, she saw beneath it an article about the new football coach who had been hired at the university. he would need a place to live!guess who bought that house she'd been struggling to sell?
当你营造出具有建设性的气氛时,可将你所听到和读到 的鼓励字句记在笔记本上,如果你能在路上或开会时快速地 书写数语,则将会为你带来长久的助力。
as you build an atmosphere of support,keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that inspire you.when you're on the road or in a meeting.your fast scratchiness can give you lasting support.

别在过完一天之后,才发现当天的所作所为,对明确目标 没有一点明显的贡献。虽然房地产经纪人无法每天都卖出一 栋房子,但是他们每天都会带着客户去看房子,会谈论他 (它),回顾潜在客户名单,演练销售方法,想像他们将成为一 个家庭,介绍那么美丽的房子。虽然这些并非实际的销售行 为,但他们都是实际销售行为的一部分。

选择一位富裕、自力更生和成功的人作为“楷模”,并时时 想到你不但要迎头赶上,而且还要超越他。别告诉别人你所 选择的楷模,因为选择楷模的目的不在于进行公开的竞争,而 在于借着比自己强的人,来确立你要走的方向。
在你的四周放置书籍、图片、座右铭能强化成就和自力更 生意义的东西,并且随时变更放置位置。这些可使人警惕反 省的东西,能帮助你有机会从不同的角度观看这些东西,并和 其他不同的东西发生联系。

上述那位房地产经纪人,将她的“百万富翁俱乐部”证书 的影本框起来,放在她的书桌上。有一天她清除证书上面的 灰尘,清完灰尘后随手放在一份报纸上。当她准备再去拿证 书时,发现报纸上有篇报道一位最近被雇用的足球教练的新闻。“他总得要有个可以住的地方吧!”她心想。你猜猜看她 把她最近想要卖的一栋房子卖给谁了?
当你营造出具有建设性的气氛时,可将你所听到和读到 的鼓励字句记在笔记本上,如果你能在路上或开会时快速地 书写数语,则将会为你带来长久的助力。

don't let a day pass without making at least on definite move toward attaining your major purpose.keep up day,but you can be sure that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's showing it,that she's talking it up,that she's reviewing her list of clients,that she's walking through it by herself, imagining what a wonderful home it will make for family. each of these steps may not be the actual sale,but they're as much as part of it as the actual closing.
choose a "pacesetter." pick someone prosperous,self-reliant, and successful ,and make up your mind not only to catch up with that person but to pass him or her by.dont's tell anyone this i your gol.the point is not to win a public contest but to get where you want to go.
surround yourself with books,pictures,mottoes,and other suggestive devices.pick things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self-reliance.work constantly to add to your collection, to move things to new places,where you can see them in a different light and in association with different things.
my realtor friend kept a framed copy of her million dollar club certificate over her desk. one day she took it down to dust and set it on top of a newspaper. when she picked it up again, she saw beneath it an article about the new football coach who had been hired at the university. he would need a place to live!guess who bought that house she'd been struggling to sell?
as you build an atmosphere of support,keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that inspire you.when you're on the road or in a meeting.your fast scratchiness can give you lasting support.



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