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李白: 清平调(之二)/ Li Bai: A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS II

李白: 清平调(之二)/ Li Bai: A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS II

李白: 清平调(之二)/ li bai: a song of pure happiness ii
一枝红艳露凝香, 云雨巫山枉断肠。
借问汉宫谁得似, 可怜飞燕倚新妆。
a song of pure happiness ii
li bai
there's a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom,
and a mist, through the heart, from the magical hill of wu- -
the palaces of china have never known such beauty-
not even flying swallow with all her glittering garments.

一枝红艳露凝香, 云雨巫山枉断肠。
借问汉宫谁得似, 可怜飞燕倚新妆。
李白: 清平调(之二)/ li bai: a song of pure happiness ii
a song of pure happiness ii
li bai
there's a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom,
and a mist, through the heart, from the magical hill of wu- -
the palaces of china have never known such beauty-
not even flying swallow with all her glittering garments.



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