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生活这样向前走:做很多人不会去做的21件事 英语美文推荐

生活这样向前走:做很多人不会去做的21件事 英语美文推荐

Many people want to get ahead. Yet, most sit back and critique those who are successful. They wonder how a few are able to excel where the majority struggle.
每个人都想朝前走。当然总有那些在你身后嫉妒你成功的人们。他们不懂为什么只有少数人能走过大多数人都无法逾越的困境。 If you want to get ahead, there is not a shortcut or secret. However, one place to start is to do the things that successful people do. The things that other people don’t or won’t do. 如果你想要进步,没有捷径或秘密可循。但是,你可以从做那些成功人士做的事开始着手。做那些其他人不做或永远不会做的事情。 Get Up Early – Not enough time in your day? Get up earlier. Starting your day before others do, empowers you to get more done while others are sleeping. You will soon find that you accomplish before the day begins than most people do all day. 早起:一天的时间不够用?早起吧。比其他人更早的开始自己的一天,在别人睡觉的时候你已经完成了更多的事情。你很快就会发现,你能比其他人一天之中完成的东西多很多。 Prepare for Your Day – Head into your day prepared. Do your homework. Prepare for the events of your day whether it is school, your job, or even having fun. 每天做规划:要计划好一天的生活。做作业,无论是学习,工作还是玩乐,都要计划好所有的事情。 Exercise- Too many people say that they want to workout, but few do. Do some sort of physical activity each and every day. Keeping your body in shape, motivates your mind and productivity. 锻炼身体:太多人说他们想去运动,但是很少有人真去做。每天做一些健身运动。保持你的身材,激活头脑保持能量。
Finish Ahead of Deadlines – It seems that our society had become numb to the concept of deadlines. However, to avoid lost opportunities, penalties, and other life friction, ensure that you finish ahead of deadlines whether for a simple task, a bill, or a major project. 不要拖到最后一刻:这个社会对限期的概念似乎越发淡薄。然而,要避免失去机会,受到惩罚以及其他的不如意,我们就要确保在限期之前完成任务,无论是简单的小任务,账单,还是大的项目。 Have Goals – Successful people have goals. There has been a rising trend lately, to “not have goals.” All this ensures is that you won’t fail because you haven’t tried to attain anything. Instead of going wherever life takes you, set goals and choose your own path. 有目标:成功的人都有自己的目标。最近“不要目标”的趋势有所增长。因为不用试着得到什么,你永远也不会失败。与其随波逐流,不如为自己设下目标,走出自己的路。 Take Chances – No one ever won by sitting in their comfort zone. You have to get up and get out. You have to be willing to take risks… sometimes big, sometimes small. Only going outside our boundaries can we grow. 把握机会:没有人在舒适的生活中获胜。你需要站起来走出去,你要做好冒险的准备,无论大小。只有走出障碍,我们才会成长。 Don’t Complain – Complaining is a waste of time. It is procrastination in disguise. Instead of whining about something, do something about it. 不要抱怨:抱怨太浪费时间了。它是拖延的伪装。与其一直抱怨着,不如做些事来改善。 Dream Big – Many people dream too small. Think big… then dream bigger! Push yourself to even higher levels than you thought possible. We are all stronger than we think. 有大梦想:很多人的梦想都太小了。想多点,梦想也会更大!逼着自己到更高的层次,即使连自己都从未想过。我们都比自己想象的更坚强。 Have a Hobby – All work and no play doesn’t do the body or mind good. Have a hobby and let your passion breathe energy into all areas of your life. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it drives you. 有个爱好:只工作不玩耍对身体和头脑都没好处。有个爱好,让你的热情能把能量带进生活的方方面面。无论爱好是什么,只要能推进你就好。 Learn New Things – Many stop learning the day they leave school. Successful people are lifelong learners. Never pass up the chance to learn a new fact or a new skill. 学习新东西:很多人离开学校之后就不再学习了。成功的人一辈子都在学习。从不放弃任何学习新知识或新技能的机会。 Say No – The ability to “say no” is an important skill. Many think that winners always “say yes,” but in reality they are very choosy in their endeavors. They know when to pass up something that is not a priority. 说不:说不是个很重要的技能。很多人认为赢家总说好,但实际上他们对自己的行为很具有选择力。他们知道什么时候去拒绝那些不是很重要的事情。 Defend Your Time – You can get more money. You can get a new job. (You can even get new friends.) However, you can never get more time. And you never truly know how much you have left. Defend your time, it is your greatest asset. 珍惜时间:你能赚更多的钱,你能得到新的工作。(你甚至可以得到新的朋友)。但是,你不可能获得更多的时间。而且你永远不会知道你还剩多少时间。珍惜时间吧,这是你最宝贵的财富。 Do it Today – You are your habits. And your habits are what you do today and every day. Don’t put off good intentions or actions until tomorrow.今日事今日毕:你有自己的习惯。你的习惯就是今日事今日毕,不要把好的想法和行动推迟到明天。 Help Others – Never underestimate the power of helping others. Life is often a team sport, and you never know when your teammates will be there to support you. Always be there for them. 帮助别人:不要低估帮助别人的力量。生命通常是团队运动,你永远不知道队友们什么时候会去支持你。 Make Decisions -Don’t be shy with decisions. Most people don’t make them, and life ultimately decides for them. Choose deliberately. Don’t fear the bad decision. You learn from them and there are few decisions in life where you can’t change your mind later. 做决定:不要害怕做决定。大部分人不做决定,到最后生命为他们做了决定。好好选择。不要害怕做错决定。你会从中学习,生命中总有些决定只能做一次。 Learn From Your Mistakes – Take chances, make decisions… even make mistakes sometimes. Just ensure that you learn from them. Every mistake should lead to new wisdom. Don’t repeat lessons. 从错误中学习:把握机会,做好决定,甚至时不时的犯错。但要确保能从错误中学到些什么。每个错误都能带来新的智慧,不要重复犯错。 Make Your Own Luck – Don’t wait for things to come to you. Go out and get them. The winners in life did not wait for things to be delivered to them. They made their own luck. 给自己创造好运-不要等着好运找你。出去转转去寻找他们。生活中的赢家不会永远只在那等着好运的来临。他们为自己创造运气。 Listen – Sometimes you need to stop and just listen. If you rush through life, you will miss the important things. What people are trying to tell you… both good and bad. And of course, listen even harder with friends and the ones you love. 倾听:有时候你需要停下来听听别人说话。如果你一生都急急忙忙,你就会错过重要的时期。人们试图告诉你的,有好有坏。当然,更要学会倾听朋友和爱人。 Change Yourself – Most people don’t change. They might grow older, grow bigger, but they often stay the same person. The most powerful people are those who can change themselves.改变自己:大部分人不会改变。他们也许会变老,变高,但一直都是同样一个人。最有能力的人是那些能够改变自己的。 Do The Work – There is no shortcut to success. You have to do the work. You have to do the practice. You have to spend the time on the things that you want to accomplish. 勤奋工作:成功之路没有捷径,你需要工作,你需要练习。你需要花时间在你想要完成的事情上。 Don’t Quit – A final word, never quit. Too many people quit just short, even in sight, of their dreams. Almost as if they don’t really want to get there. Winners keep going after the quitters have given up. 不要放弃:最后一点,不要放弃,太多人很快就放弃了,即使梦想已经近在眼前。仿佛他们根本不想达到梦想。赢家则会在其他人放弃之后仍然一直前进。

每个人都想朝前走。当然总有那些在你身后嫉妒你成功的人们。他们不懂为什么只有少数人能走过大多数人都无法逾越的困境。 If you want to get ahead, there is not a shortcut or secret. However, one place to start is to do the things that successful people do. The things that other people don’t or won’t do. 如果你想要进步,没有捷径或秘密可循。但是,你可以从做那些成功人士做的事开始着手。做那些其他人不做或永远不会做的事情。 Get Up Early – Not enough time in your day? Get up earlier. Starting your day before others do, empowers you to get more done while others are sleeping. You will soon find that you accomplish before the day begins than most people do all day. 早起:一天的时间不够用?早起吧。比其他人更早的开始自己的一天,在别人睡觉的时候你已经完成了更多的事情。你很快就会发现,你能比其他人一天之中完成的东西多很多。 Prepare for Your Day – Head into your day prepared. Do your homework. Prepare for the events of your day whether it is school, your job, or even having fun. 每天做规划:要计划好一天的生活。做作业,无论是学习,工作还是玩乐,都要计划好所有的事情。 Exercise- Too many people say that they want to workout, but few do. Do some sort of physical activity each and every day. Keeping your body in shape, motivates your mind and productivity. 锻炼身体:太多人说他们想去运动,但是很少有人真去做。每天做一些健身运动。保持你的身材,激活头脑保持能量。

Many people want to get ahead. Yet, most sit back and critique those who are successful. They wonder how a few are able to excel where the majority struggle.
Finish Ahead of Deadlines – It seems that our society had become numb to the concept of deadlines. However, to avoid lost opportunities, penalties, and other life friction, ensure that you finish ahead of deadlines whether for a simple task, a bill, or a major project. 不要拖到最后一刻:这个社会对限期的概念似乎越发淡薄。然而,要避免失去机会,受到惩罚以及其他的不如意,我们就要确保在限期之前完成任务,无论是简单的小任务,账单,还是大的项目。 Have Goals – Successful people have goals. There has been a rising trend lately, to “not have goals.” All this ensures is that you won’t fail because you haven’t tried to attain anything. Instead of going wherever life takes you, set goals and choose your own path. 有目标:成功的人都有自己的目标。最近“不要目标”的趋势有所增长。因为不用试着得到什么,你永远也不会失败。与其随波逐流,不如为自己设下目标,走出自己的路。 Take Chances – No one ever won by sitting in their comfort zone. You have to get up and get out. You have to be willing to take risks… sometimes big, sometimes small. Only going outside our boundaries can we grow. 把握机会:没有人在舒适的生活中获胜。你需要站起来走出去,你要做好冒险的准备,无论大小。只有走出障碍,我们才会成长。 Don’t Complain – Complaining is a waste of time. It is procrastination in disguise. Instead of whining about something, do something about it. 不要抱怨:抱怨太浪费时间了。它是拖延的伪装。与其一直抱怨着,不如做些事来改善。 Dream Big – Many people dream too small. Think big… then dream bigger! Push yourself to even higher levels than you thought possible. We are all stronger than we think. 有大梦想:很多人的梦想都太小了。想多点,梦想也会更大!逼着自己到更高的层次,即使连自己都从未想过。我们都比自己想象的更坚强。 Have a Hobby – All work and no play doesn’t do the body or mind good. Have a hobby and let your passion breathe energy into all areas of your life. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it drives you. 有个爱好:只工作不玩耍对身体和头脑都没好处。有个爱好,让你的热情能把能量带进生活的方方面面。无论爱好是什么,只要能推进你就好。 Learn New Things – Many stop learning the day they leave school. Successful people are lifelong learners. Never pass up the chance to learn a new fact or a new skill. 学习新东西:很多人离开学校之后就不再学习了。成功的人一辈子都在学习。从不放弃任何学习新知识或新技能的机会。 Say No – The ability to “say no” is an important skill. Many think that winners always “say yes,” but in reality they are very choosy in their endeavors. They know when to pass up something that is not a priority. 说不:说不是个很重要的技能。很多人认为赢家总说好,但实际上他们对自己的行为很具有选择力。他们知道什么时候去拒绝那些不是很重要的事情。 Defend Your Time – You can get more money. You can get a new job. (You can even get new friends.) However, you can never get more time. And you never truly know how much you have left. Defend your time, it is your greatest asset. 珍惜时间:你能赚更多的钱,你能得到新的工作。(你甚至可以得到新的朋友)。但是,你不可能获得更多的时间。而且你永远不会知道你还剩多少时间。珍惜时间吧,这是你最宝贵的财富。 Do it Today – You are your habits. And your habits are what you do today and every day. Don’t put off good intentions or actions until tomorrow.今日事今日毕:你有自己的习惯。你的习惯就是今日事今日毕,不要把好的想法和行动推迟到明天。 Help Others – Never underestimate the power of helping others. Life is often a team sport, and you never know when your teammates will be there to support you. Always be there for them. 帮助别人:不要低估帮助别人的力量。生命通常是团队运动,你永远不知道队友们什么时候会去支持你。 Make Decisions -Don’t be shy with decisions. Most people don’t make them, and life ultimately decides for them. Choose deliberately. Don’t fear the bad decision. You learn from them and there are few decisions in life where you can’t change your mind later. 做决定:不要害怕做决定。大部分人不做决定,到最后生命为他们做了决定。好好选择。不要害怕做错决定。你会从中学习,生命中总有些决定只能做一次。 Learn From Your Mistakes – Take chances, make decisions… even make mistakes sometimes. Just ensure that you learn from them. Every mistake should lead to new wisdom. Don’t repeat lessons. 从错误中学习:把握机会,做好决定,甚至时不时的犯错。但要确保能从错误中学到些什么。每个错误都能带来新的智慧,不要重复犯错。 Make Your Own Luck – Don’t wait for things to come to you. Go out and get them. The winners in life did not wait for things to be delivered to them. They made their own luck. 给自己创造好运-不要等着好运找你。出去转转去寻找他们。生活中的赢家不会永远只在那等着好运的来临。他们为自己创造运气。 Listen – Sometimes you need to stop and just listen. If you rush through life, you will miss the important things. What people are trying to tell you… both good and bad. And of course, listen even harder with friends and the ones you love. 倾听:有时候你需要停下来听听别人说话。如果你一生都急急忙忙,你就会错过重要的时期。人们试图告诉你的,有好有坏。当然,更要学会倾听朋友和爱人。 Change Yourself – Most people don’t change. They might grow older, grow bigger, but they often stay the same person. The most powerful people are those who can change themselves.改变自己:大部分人不会改变。他们也许会变老,变高,但一直都是同样一个人。最有能力的人是那些能够改变自己的。 Do The Work – There is no shortcut to success. You have to do the work. You have to do the practice. You have to spend the time on the things that you want to accomplish. 勤奋工作:成功之路没有捷径,你需要工作,你需要练习。你需要花时间在你想要完成的事情上。 Don’t Quit – A final word, never quit. Too many people quit just short, even in sight, of their dreams. Almost as if they don’t really want to get there. Winners keep going after the quitters have given up. 不要放弃:最后一点,不要放弃,太多人很快就放弃了,即使梦想已经近在眼前。仿佛他们根本不想达到梦想。赢家则会在其他人放弃之后仍然一直前进。



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