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双语基督赞美文:肮脏工作[Dirty Jobs]

双语基督赞美文:肮脏工作[Dirty Jobs]

全年读经: 阿摩司书4-6章 启示录7章
金句: 耶稣伸手摸他。(马太福音8章3节)
Jesus put out His hand and touched him. —Matthew 8:3 有位电视名人,竭尽全力去找最肮脏的工作,然后他亲自去做这些工作,并拍摄下来,让观众作呕。
One TV personality seeks out the most dirty and grimy jobs he can find. Then he does those jobs on camera so we can all be grossed out.
The surprising thing that usually comes out of this excursion into grime is that the people who do these really nasty chores for a living seem happy to be doing them.
I wonder if that’s the way it is among the people of God. In the church and in the community of God’s people, there are definitely “dirty” jobs that God has called us to do.
For instance, where is the glamour in working in a homeless shelter, providing gospel hope and physical help to street people? Where is the intrinsic joy in walking into a hospital room to visit a patient who has just received awful news from the doctor? And how can it be easy to sit across the counseling room from an abused spouse and try to help her retain her dignity and piece her life back together?
Imagine how the crowds gasped when Jesus reached out and touched the leper. He was not afraid of “dirty” jobs. Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). He was “moved with compassion” for the lame, the ill, the downtrodden (Matt. 9:36). Let’s follow His lead and with love tackle the tough tasks around us. —Dave Branon
No matter what my daily chores might be
To earn my livelihood, still may I see
My job, the real position that I hold,
Is bringing others to the Master’s fold. —Stalter
Work well done for Christ will receive a “well done” from Christ.

金句: 耶稣伸手摸他。(马太福音8章3节)
Jesus put out His hand and touched him. —Matthew 8:3 有位电视名人,竭尽全力去找最肮脏的工作,然后他亲自去做这些工作,并拍摄下来,让观众作呕。
全年读经: 阿摩司书4-6章 启示录7章
One TV personality seeks out the most dirty and grimy jobs he can find. Then he does those jobs on camera so we can all be grossed out.
The surprising thing that usually comes out of this excursion into grime is that the people who do these really nasty chores for a living seem happy to be doing them.
I wonder if that’s the way it is among the people of God. In the church and in the community of God’s people, there are definitely “dirty” jobs that God has called us to do.
For instance, where is the glamour in working in a homeless shelter, providing gospel hope and physical help to street people? Where is the intrinsic joy in walking into a hospital room to visit a patient who has just received awful news from the doctor? And how can it be easy to sit across the counseling room from an abused spouse and try to help her retain her dignity and piece her life back together?
Imagine how the crowds gasped when Jesus reached out and touched the leper. He was not afraid of “dirty” jobs. Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). He was “moved with compassion” for the lame, the ill, the downtrodden (Matt. 9:36). Let’s follow His lead and with love tackle the tough tasks around us. —Dave Branon
No matter what my daily chores might be
To earn my livelihood, still may I see
My job, the real position that I hold,
Is bringing others to the Master’s fold. —Stalter
Work well done for Christ will receive a “well done” from Christ.



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