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将 门 之 后
alexander the great was the son of philip Ⅱ of macedon, himself a great warrior who defeated the greeks in 338 bc, bringing all of greece under macedonian control with the exception of sparta. alexander's mother was olympias, princess of epirus, who according to plutarch was descended from achilles' grandfather. alexander was taught by his mother that achilles was his ancestor, and that his father was descended from hercules. achilles became alexander's role model in all things, and he kept a copy of homer's illiad under his pillow.
even more ambitious than his father, alexander wept bitterly as a child when he heard of philip's conquests. "my father," he said, "will get ahead of me in everything and will leave nothing great for me to do."



将 门 之 后


alexander the great was the son of philip Ⅱ of macedon, himself a great warrior who defeated the greeks in 338 bc, bringing all of greece under macedonian control with the exception of sparta. alexander's mother was olympias, princess of epirus, who according to plutarch was descended from achilles' grandfather. alexander was taught by his mother that achilles was his ancestor, and that his father was descended from hercules. achilles became alexander's role model in all things, and he kept a copy of homer's illiad under his pillow.
even more ambitious than his father, alexander wept bitterly as a child when he heard of philip's conquests. "my father," he said, "will get ahead of me in everything and will leave nothing great for me to do."



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