during the second world war, the british public were encouraged to be on the lookout for members of a fifth column, which in fact hardly existed. the sorts of offences which brought prosecution included a man sentenced to seven years for smashing up telephone booths, and a schoolmaster jailed for advancing"defeatist theories" to his pupils.
the idea of a fifth column in britain sometimes made people paranoid. one british officer, billeted on a winchester clergyman, was reported to the police by the clergyman's daughter as a suspected german spy on the grounds that he did not flush the toilet after use. and there was a cardiff householder who accused his neighbour of tapping out morse code signals to the germans. it was discovered that the cause of the sounds was a leaky cistern.
【附注】西班牙内战( 1936-1939)时,佛朗哥将军曾以四支纵队包围马德里市,并说市内还有一支秘密的第五纵队。英文于是以 fifth column(第五纵队)说战时在后方为敌人工作的奸细。
【附注】西班牙内战( 1936-1939)时,佛朗哥将军曾以四支纵队包围马德里市,并说市内还有一支秘密的第五纵队。英文于是以 fifth column(第五纵队)说战时在后方为敌人工作的奸细。
during the second world war, the british public were encouraged to be on the lookout for members of a fifth column, which in fact hardly existed. the sorts of offences which brought prosecution included a man sentenced to seven years for smashing up telephone booths, and a schoolmaster jailed for advancing"defeatist theories" to his pupils.
the idea of a fifth column in britain sometimes made people paranoid. one british officer, billeted on a winchester clergyman, was reported to the police by the clergyman's daughter as a suspected german spy on the grounds that he did not flush the toilet after use. and there was a cardiff householder who accused his neighbour of tapping out morse code signals to the germans. it was discovered that the cause of the sounds was a leaky cistern.