Yang Jian was the regent(摄政王) of the last king of Northern Zhou(557-581). His wife advised him: "Northern Zhou is dying. Now it is as if you are riding on the back of a tiger. It will be dangerous to dismount(下马,下车) . You can do nothing but continue." Yang Jian thought this quite reasonable. Later, he founded the Sui Dynasty, and united China once more.
This idom is used as a metaphor meaning that one is in a difficult situation and cannot help but ontinue to pursue one's sourse.
江州刺史温峤(qiáo)听说叛军在都城作乱,立刻挺身而出,拥戴征西大将军陶侃为盟主,起兵讨伐叛军。由于叛军人多势众,陶侃接连吃了几次败仗,有些沉不住气了,开始埋怨温峤过高估计了自己的实力。溫峤说:“战胜叛军的关键在于队伍的团结,而不能是一盘散沙。 当年刘秀救昆阳,曹操战官渡不都是团结一致,以少胜多的典范吗?叛军只凭一时气盛攻占了都城,他们利欲熏心,是一群乌合之众,只要我们团结努力,就一定能战胜他们。现在国难当头,我们仗义讨伐叛军,顺人心,合民意,决不能后退。这就好比骑在老虎身上,如果,不把它打死,怎么能半途从它身上跳下来呢?”
Yang Jian was the regent(摄政王) of the last king of Northern Zhou(557-581). His wife advised him: "Northern Zhou is dying. Now it is as if you are riding on the back of a tiger. It will be dangerous to dismount(下马,下车) . You can do nothing but continue." Yang Jian thought this quite reasonable. Later, he founded the Sui Dynasty, and united China once more.
江州刺史温峤(qiáo)听说叛军在都城作乱,立刻挺身而出,拥戴征西大将军陶侃为盟主,起兵讨伐叛军。由于叛军人多势众,陶侃接连吃了几次败仗,有些沉不住气了,开始埋怨温峤过高估计了自己的实力。溫峤说:“战胜叛军的关键在于队伍的团结,而不能是一盘散沙。 当年刘秀救昆阳,曹操战官渡不都是团结一致,以少胜多的典范吗?叛军只凭一时气盛攻占了都城,他们利欲熏心,是一群乌合之众,只要我们团结努力,就一定能战胜他们。现在国难当头,我们仗义讨伐叛军,顺人心,合民意,决不能后退。这就好比骑在老虎身上,如果,不把它打死,怎么能半途从它身上跳下来呢?”
This idom is used as a metaphor meaning that one is in a difficult situation and cannot help but ontinue to pursue one's sourse.