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the old first-class swimming pool is a hot spot for paranormal activity according to many psychics who have explored the queen mary. psychics have identified one of the spirits here as sarah a young woman who was murdered in the first class women's change rooms. witnesses have seen wet footprints mysteriously appear in front of them even though the pool has been empty for the past 30 years. these footsteps often lead from the deck of the pool to the changing rooms. the apparitions of women in vintage bathing suits are occasionally seen around the pool and close to the old changing rooms, along with disembodied voices, laughter and splashing sounds. there have also been reports of people seeing the ghost of a young girl carrying a teddy bear around the empty pool.in the second class pool area the spirit of another little girl named jackie has been seen and heard. the girl drowned in the pool during the ship's sailing days, her voice and the sound of laughter has been captured during evp sessions in this area.
there have been reports from visitors and staff of the sound of children crying in what was the third class playroom. there have also been reports of a single baby's cry; this has been attributed to that of a baby who died shortly after being born aboard the ship.

in the first-class staterooms there have been reports of a tall, dark haired figure wearing a 1930's style suit. the sightings of the apparition are usually accompanied by the faucets and lights turning on and off. the phones in the staterooms often ring in the early morning hours but no one is ever on the other end of the line.
there are several other reports of sightings about the ship including a beautiful young woman in an elegant white evening gown who dances alone in a shadowy corner of the salon, which was once used as the ship's first-class lounge. another mysterious woman in white has been seen close to the front desk, she will usually disappear behind a pillar.
other paranormal activity that has been reported throughout the ship include the sounds of knocking, doors slamming and high pitched squeals, drastic temperature changes, and the fragrant smells of another time.
the queen mary has been investigated by a number of paranormal professionals, and tv shows like ghost hunters and most haunted. visitors to the queen mary now have the chance to do some ghost hunting of their own. the daily ghosts and legends tour includes admission to special ghosts and legends exhibit and a self-guided tour to other places where ghosts have been seen. the more in-depth dinner and ghost tour, offered on friday and saturday evenings is led by "paranormal host" erika frost. the evening begins with dinner in sir winston's restaurant, followed by a two-and-a-half hour tour of some of the queen mary's most haunted spots, including the propeller box, engine room, boiler room, cargo hold and first class swimming pool. many of these areas are normally off-limits to visitors.

玛丽女王号建于1936年,她是为丘纳德轮船公司 (cunard line) 建造的一艘具有革命色彩的游轮。二次世界大战期间,她曾在英国海军服役,战争结束后继续作为一艘游轮运营,最后于1967年在长滩 (long beach) 退休。如此不寻常的历史必然给这艘船留下烙印。玛丽女王号因鬼魂出没和无法解释的超常事件而声名远扬。发动机室的13号门就常有一名男子的鬼魂出没,该男子在一次水密门演习中被挤压身亡。许多游客和船员都表示曾看到一名穿蓝色工装裤的年轻男子在这道门附近行走。


玛丽女王号建于1936年,她是为丘纳德轮船公司 (cunard line) 建造的一艘具有革命色彩的游轮。二次世界大战期间,她曾在英国海军服役,战争结束后继续作为一艘游轮运营,最后于1967年在长滩 (long beach) 退休。如此不寻常的历史必然给这艘船留下烙印。玛丽女王号因鬼魂出没和无法解释的超常事件而声名远扬。发动机室的13号门就常有一名男子的鬼魂出没,该男子在一次水密门演习中被挤压身亡。许多游客和船员都表示曾看到一名穿蓝色工装裤的年轻男子在这道门附近行走。

the old first-class swimming pool is a hot spot for paranormal activity according to many psychics who have explored the queen mary. psychics have identified one of the spirits here as sarah a young woman who was murdered in the first class women's change rooms. witnesses have seen wet footprints mysteriously appear in front of them even though the pool has been empty for the past 30 years. these footsteps often lead from the deck of the pool to the changing rooms. the apparitions of women in vintage bathing suits are occasionally seen around the pool and close to the old changing rooms, along with disembodied voices, laughter and splashing sounds. there have also been reports of people seeing the ghost of a young girl carrying a teddy bear around the empty pool.in the second class pool area the spirit of another little girl named jackie has been seen and heard. the girl drowned in the pool during the ship's sailing days, her voice and the sound of laughter has been captured during evp sessions in this area.
there have been reports from visitors and staff of the sound of children crying in what was the third class playroom. there have also been reports of a single baby's cry; this has been attributed to that of a baby who died shortly after being born aboard the ship.
in the first-class staterooms there have been reports of a tall, dark haired figure wearing a 1930's style suit. the sightings of the apparition are usually accompanied by the faucets and lights turning on and off. the phones in the staterooms often ring in the early morning hours but no one is ever on the other end of the line.
there are several other reports of sightings about the ship including a beautiful young woman in an elegant white evening gown who dances alone in a shadowy corner of the salon, which was once used as the ship's first-class lounge. another mysterious woman in white has been seen close to the front desk, she will usually disappear behind a pillar.
other paranormal activity that has been reported throughout the ship include the sounds of knocking, doors slamming and high pitched squeals, drastic temperature changes, and the fragrant smells of another time.
the queen mary has been investigated by a number of paranormal professionals, and tv shows like ghost hunters and most haunted. visitors to the queen mary now have the chance to do some ghost hunting of their own. the daily ghosts and legends tour includes admission to special ghosts and legends exhibit and a self-guided tour to other places where ghosts have been seen. the more in-depth dinner and ghost tour, offered on friday and saturday evenings is led by "paranormal host" erika frost. the evening begins with dinner in sir winston's restaurant, followed by a two-and-a-half hour tour of some of the queen mary's most haunted spots, including the propeller box, engine room, boiler room, cargo hold and first class swimming pool. many of these areas are normally off-limits to visitors.



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