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during the summer of 1941, three hundred young americans secretly trained in the jungles of southeast asia under the leadership of claire chennault, a retired american fighter pilot employed by chiang kai-shek to build an air force to defend the barma road. this air force came to be known as the flying tigers.
on 18 december 1941, when chennault and his pilots arrived in kunming, they saw the streets littered with the body parts of women and children, struck down by unchallenged japanese bombers. two days later, the japanese returned with ten bombers. for the vaunted nippon air warrior such missions were routine. but this time, nine of the ten bombers fell to fire from a few out-dated p-40s flown by chennault's men. only one p-40 was lost. in fact, when attacked, the japanese pilots at once jettisoned their load and ran for home.

一九四一年十二月十八日,陈纳德和手下飞行员来到昆明,看见街上满布妇孺残骸,这是日本轰炸机在毫无拦截之下的战绩。两天之后,又有十架日本轰炸机飞来。对自命不凡的日本战士来说,那无非例行任务,但这一次十架轰炸机有九架被飞虎队落伍的 p-40战斗机击落。 p-40战斗机只有一架坠毁。日本飞行员一遇到攻击,就把所载掷下,减轻负荷,掉头逃走。



一九四一年十二月十八日,陈纳德和手下飞行员来到昆明,看见街上满布妇孺残骸,这是日本轰炸机在毫无拦截之下的战绩。两天之后,又有十架日本轰炸机飞来。对自命不凡的日本战士来说,那无非例行任务,但这一次十架轰炸机有九架被飞虎队落伍的 p-40战斗机击落。 p-40战斗机只有一架坠毁。日本飞行员一遇到攻击,就把所载掷下,减轻负荷,掉头逃走。

during the summer of 1941, three hundred young americans secretly trained in the jungles of southeast asia under the leadership of claire chennault, a retired american fighter pilot employed by chiang kai-shek to build an air force to defend the barma road. this air force came to be known as the flying tigers.
on 18 december 1941, when chennault and his pilots arrived in kunming, they saw the streets littered with the body parts of women and children, struck down by unchallenged japanese bombers. two days later, the japanese returned with ten bombers. for the vaunted nippon air warrior such missions were routine. but this time, nine of the ten bombers fell to fire from a few out-dated p-40s flown by chennault's men. only one p-40 was lost. in fact, when attacked, the japanese pilots at once jettisoned their load and ran for home.



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