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§96 诈称眼盲喻
(96) pretending to be blind
once upon a time, there was a trained craftsman who worked for the king. he could not bear the hardship and deceitfully said he was blind in order to release himself from the hard work.
on hearing it, another craftsman wanted to gouge out his own eyes so as to avoid the tiresome drudgery. someone then asked him, "why do you want to gouge out your eyes only to make yourself suffer more in another way?" such a stupid man was laughed at by the people.

this is also held to be true with the common people. for the sake of a little fame and gain, people are prone to tell wild stories and destroy their pure commandments. they will fall into the three evil paths of transmigration after their death, like that stupid man destroying his own eyes for a little benefit.
  从前有位工匠师傅,为国王作劳务,不能堪忍其苦,便谎称眼盲,就推掉了这份苦差役。其他的工匠听说了,便想把自己的眼睛弄坏,来避开苦役。有人说:「你们何必自毁呢? 白白地受眼瞎的苦。」这样的愚人,为世人所笑。

§96 诈称眼盲喻

  从前有位工匠师傅,为国王作劳务,不能堪忍其苦,便谎称眼盲,就推掉了这份苦差役。其他的工匠听说了,便想把自己的眼睛弄坏,来避开苦役。有人说:「你们何必自毁呢? 白白地受眼瞎的苦。」这样的愚人,为世人所笑。

(96) pretending to be blind
once upon a time, there was a trained craftsman who worked for the king. he could not bear the hardship and deceitfully said he was blind in order to release himself from the hard work.
on hearing it, another craftsman wanted to gouge out his own eyes so as to avoid the tiresome drudgery. someone then asked him, "why do you want to gouge out your eyes only to make yourself suffer more in another way?" such a stupid man was laughed at by the people.
this is also held to be true with the common people. for the sake of a little fame and gain, people are prone to tell wild stories and destroy their pure commandments. they will fall into the three evil paths of transmigration after their death, like that stupid man destroying his own eyes for a little benefit.



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