杜牧: 将赴吴兴登乐游原
杜牧: 将赴吴兴登乐游原/ du mu: i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
清时有味是无能, 闲爱孤云静爱僧。
欲把一麾江海去, 乐游原上望昭陵。
i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
du mu
even in this good reign, how can i serve?
the lone cloud rather, the buddhist peace....
once more, before crossing river and sea,
i face the great emperor's mountain-tomb.
清时有味是无能, 闲爱孤云静爱僧。
欲把一麾江海去, 乐游原上望昭陵。
i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
du mu
even in this good reign, how can i serve?
the lone cloud rather, the buddhist peace....
once more, before crossing river and sea,
i face the great emperor's mountain-tomb.
清时有味是无能, 闲爱孤云静爱僧。
欲把一麾江海去, 乐游原上望昭陵。
杜牧: 将赴吴兴登乐游原/ du mu: i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
du mu
even in this good reign, how can i serve?
the lone cloud rather, the buddhist peace....
once more, before crossing river and sea,
i face the great emperor's mountain-tomb.
i climb to the leyou tombs before leaving for wuxing
du mu
even in this good reign, how can i serve?
the lone cloud rather, the buddhist peace....
once more, before crossing river and sea,
i face the great emperor's mountain-tomb.