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岑参: 和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作

岑参: 和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作

岑参: 和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作/ cen can: an early audience at the palace of light harmonizing secretary
鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒, 莺啭皇州春色阑。
金阙晓钟开万户, 玉阶仙仗拥千官。
花迎剑佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。
独有凤凰池上客, 阳春一曲和皆难。
an early audience at the palace of light
harmonizing secretary jia zhi's poem
cen can
cock-crow, the purple road cold in the dawn;
linnet songs, court roofs tinted with april;
at the golden gate morning bell, countless doors open,
and up the jade steps float a thousand officials

with flowery scabbards.... stars have gone down;
willows are brushing the dew from the flags --
and, alone on the lake of the phoenix, a guest
is chanting too well the song of bright spring.

鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒, 莺啭皇州春色阑。
金阙晓钟开万户, 玉阶仙仗拥千官。
花迎剑佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。
独有凤凰池上客, 阳春一曲和皆难。

岑参: 和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作/ cen can: an early audience at the palace of light harmonizing secretary
an early audience at the palace of light
harmonizing secretary jia zhi's poem
cen can
cock-crow, the purple road cold in the dawn;
linnet songs, court roofs tinted with april;
at the golden gate morning bell, countless doors open,
and up the jade steps float a thousand officials
with flowery scabbards.... stars have gone down;
willows are brushing the dew from the flags --
and, alone on the lake of the phoenix, a guest
is chanting too well the song of bright spring.



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