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刘长卿: 自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞

刘长卿: 自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞

刘长卿: 自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞/ liu changqing: a poem sent
汀洲无浪复无烟, 楚客相思益渺然。
汉口夕阳斜渡鸟, 洞庭秋水远连天。
孤城背岭寒吹角, 独戍临江夜泊船。
贾谊上书忧汉室, 长沙谪去古今怜。
an evening view of the city of youzhou after
coming from hankou to parrot island a poem sent
to my friend governor yuan
liu changqing
no ripples in the river, no mist on the islands,
yet the landscape is blurred toward my friend in chu....

birds in the slanting sun cross hankou,
and the autumn sky mingles with lake dongting.
...from a bleak mountain wall the cold tone of a bugle
reminds me, moored by a ruined fort,
that jia yi's loyal plea to the house of han
banned him to changsha, to be an exile.

汀洲无浪复无烟, 楚客相思益渺然。
汉口夕阳斜渡鸟, 洞庭秋水远连天。
孤城背岭寒吹角, 独戍临江夜泊船。
贾谊上书忧汉室, 长沙谪去古今怜。

刘长卿: 自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞/ liu changqing: a poem sent
an evening view of the city of youzhou after
coming from hankou to parrot island a poem sent
to my friend governor yuan
liu changqing
no ripples in the river, no mist on the islands,
yet the landscape is blurred toward my friend in chu....
birds in the slanting sun cross hankou,
and the autumn sky mingles with lake dongting.
...from a bleak mountain wall the cold tone of a bugle
reminds me, moored by a ruined fort,
that jia yi's loyal plea to the house of han
banned him to changsha, to be an exile.



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