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杜甫: 旅夜书怀/ Du Fu: A NIGHT ABROAD

杜甫: 旅夜书怀/ Du Fu: A NIGHT ABROAD

杜甫: 旅夜书怀/ du fu: a night abroad
细草微风岸, 危樯独夜舟。
星垂平野阔, 月涌大江流。
名岂文章著, 官应老病休。
飘飘何所似, 天地一沙鸥。
a night abroad
du fu
a light wind is rippling at the grassy shore....
through the night, to my motionless tall mast,
the stars lean down from open space,
and the moon comes running up the river.
...if only my art might bring me fame

and free my sick old age from office! --
flitting, flitting, what am i like
but a sand-snipe in the wide, wide world!

细草微风岸, 危樯独夜舟。
星垂平野阔, 月涌大江流。
名岂文章著, 官应老病休。
飘飘何所似, 天地一沙鸥。

杜甫: 旅夜书怀/ du fu: a night abroad
a night abroad
du fu
a light wind is rippling at the grassy shore....
through the night, to my motionless tall mast,
the stars lean down from open space,
and the moon comes running up the river.
...if only my art might bring me fame
and free my sick old age from office! --
flitting, flitting, what am i like
but a sand-snipe in the wide, wide world!



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