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On Sin 论原罪 ----奥古斯丁

On Sin 论原罪 ----奥古斯丁

on sin 论原罪
i have already said, in previous books, that god had two purposes in deriving all men from one man. his first purpose was to give unity to the human race by the likeness of nature. his second purpose was to bind mankind by the bond of peace, through blood relationship, into one harmonious whole. i have said further that no member of this race would ever have died had not the first two (adam and eve)---one created from nothing and the second from the first---merited this death by disobedience. the sin which they committed was so great that it impaired all human nature---in this sense, that the nature has been transmitted to posterity with a propensity to sin and a necessity to die....
when a man lives “according to man”---and not “according to god”---he is like the devil....
when man lives according to himself, that is to say, according to human ways and not according to god’s will, then surely he lives according to falsehood. man himself, of course, is not a lie, since god who is his author and creator could not be the author and creator of a lie. rather, man has been so constituted in truth that he was meant to live not according to himself but to him who made him---that is, he was meant to do the will of god rather than his own. it is a lie not to live as a man was created to live.

man indeed desires happiness even when he does so live as to make happiness impossible.... the happiness of man can come not from himself but only from god, and that to live according to oneself is to sin, and to sin is to lose god....
moreover, our first parents (adam and eve) only fell openly into the sin of disobedience because, secretly, they had begun to be guilty. actually, their bad deed could not have been done had not bad will preceded it; what is more, the root of their bad will was nothing else than pride. for, “pride is the beginning of all sin.”---and what is pride but an appetite for inordinate exaltation? now, exaltation is inordinate when the soul cuts itself off from the very source (god) to which it should keep close and somehow makes itself and becomes an end to itself. this takes place when the soul becomes inordinately pleased with itself, and such self-pleasing occurs when the soul falls away from the unchangeable good which ought to please the soul far more than the soul can please itself. now, this falling a way is the soul’s own doing, for, if the will had merely remained firm in the love of that higher immutable good which lighted its mind into knowledge and warmed its will into love, it would not have turned away in search of satisfaction in itself and, by so doing, have lost that light and warmth. and thus eve would not have believed that the serpent’s lie was true, nor would adam have preferred the will of his wife to the will of god....

this life of ours---if a life so full of such great ills can properly be called a life---bears witness to the fact that, from its very start, the race of mortal men has been a race condemned. think, first, of that dreadful abyss of ignorance from which all error flows and so engulfs the sons of adam in a darksome pool that no one can escape without the toll of toils and tears and fears. then, take our very love for all those things that prove so vain and poisonous and breed so many heartaches, troubles, griefs, and fears; such insane joys in discord, strife, and war; such wrath and plots of enemies, deceivers, sycophants; such fraud and theft and robbery; such perfidy and pride, envy and ambition, homicide and murder, cruelty and savagery, lawlessness and lust; all the shameless passions of the impure---fornication and adultery, incest and unnatural sins, rape and countless other uncleannesses too nasty to be mentioned; the sins against religion---sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury; the iniquities against our neighbors---calumnies and cheating, lies and false witness, violence to persons and property; the injustices of the courts and the innumerable other miseries and maladies that fill the world, yet escape attention.

it is true that it is wicked men who do such things, but the source of all such sins is that radical canker (sinfulness) in the mind and will that is innate in every son of adam....
yet, for all this blight of ignorance and folly, fallen man has not been left without some ministries of providence, nor has god, in his anger, shut up his mercies. there are still within the reach of man himself, if only he will pay the price of toil and trouble, the twin resources of law and education. with the one, he can make war on human passion; with the other, he can keep the light of learning lit even in the darkness of our native ignorance....
from this all but hell of unhappiness here on earth, nothing can save us but the grace of jesus christ, who is our saviour, lord and god. in fact, the very meaning of the name, jesus, is saviour, and when we say “save”, we mean, especially, that he saves us from passing from the misery of this mortal life to a still more miserable condition, which is not so much a life as death....


而且,我们的始祖【亚当和夏娃】只不过公开地犯下了忤逆上帝旨意的原罪,因为他们在内心深处早已有罪。事实上,他们若不是有恶意在先,恶行便不可能发生;进而言之,其恶意之根源全在骄傲二字。因为,“骄傲乃万恶之源。”而所谓骄傲,难道不就是沉迷于过渡的自负?自负过分之时,灵魂自绝其理应坚守的源泉【上帝】,而无意中使自己成为自己的目的。当其发生之时,灵魂过分地取悦于自身;而如此自我取悦之表现,乃因灵魂偏离了永恒不变的善,而后者本应比灵魂本身带给灵魂更大的愉悦。那么,这一偏离当是灵魂自身所为,因为,假若意志始终坚定不移地爱着那更高的永恒不变的善——后者用知识照亮其心灵,用爱温暖其意志 ——,它便不会转而向自身追求满足,并因而失去了那光明和温暖。因此,夏娃本不会对毒蛇的谎言信以为真,而亚当本不会把妻子的意志置于上帝的意志之上。……

我们的人生——假若如此灾难深重的人生能被恰当地称为人生——证明了如下事实,自其初始之时,寿数有限的人类已戴罪在身。首先,想想那可怕的愚昧之渊,这里谬误横生,将亚当的子孙们淹没于黑暗的泥沼之中,任何人若不付出劳碌、泪水和恐惧的代价均无法脱身。再看看我们贪恋的一切,最终都证明是如此的徒劳、有害,并滋生出这许多的心痛、烦恼、忧伤与恐惧;这般疯狂地沉溺于争执、倾扎与战乱;这般纠缠于敌人、骗子和献媚之徒的愤怒与阴谋;这般尔虞我诈、盗窃抢掠;这般背叛与骄傲、忌妒与野心、屠戮与谋杀、残忍与野蛮、违法与贪婪;所有无耻、肮脏的激情——淫乱与私通、 乱伦与种种伤天害理的罪恶、强奸以及无数令人难以启齿的卑劣行径;针对信仰的种种邪恶——亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言;针对邻居的不义之举——毁谤与欺骗、谎言与伪证、杀人越货;还有法庭的不公以及无数其它充斥这个世界却不为人注意的种种苦难与疾病。


奥古斯丁(354—430年)是西方神学史上最重要的思想家之一。本文(题目为译者所加)节选自其名著《上帝之城》(the city of god)。在该书中,他设计了一整套基督徒的人生观,其影响波及罗马帝国崩溃后近一千年的中世纪西方文明。奥古斯丁虽然崇尚古希腊苏格拉底和柏拉图的成就,但拒绝接受他们的根本主张,这就是,个人只需依靠理性便可探求真理。他的神学信仰可以简略地概括为:如果人类离开上帝,像亚当和夏娃那样追随自己的欲望,他们就会堕入邪恶的深渊,遭受种种苦难的折磨;惟有上帝的恩赐能拯救人类于苦海之中。从奥古斯丁的神学中不难看出,中世纪已用“信仰”取代古希腊所张扬的“理性 ”,西方文明由此进入所谓“信仰的时代”(the age of faith)。但同时我们也应看到,奥古斯丁在其神学中还是为“法律”与“教育”保留了一席之地。

on sin 论原罪


而且,我们的始祖【亚当和夏娃】只不过公开地犯下了忤逆上帝旨意的原罪,因为他们在内心深处早已有罪。事实上,他们若不是有恶意在先,恶行便不可能发生;进而言之,其恶意之根源全在骄傲二字。因为,“骄傲乃万恶之源。”而所谓骄傲,难道不就是沉迷于过渡的自负?自负过分之时,灵魂自绝其理应坚守的源泉【上帝】,而无意中使自己成为自己的目的。当其发生之时,灵魂过分地取悦于自身;而如此自我取悦之表现,乃因灵魂偏离了永恒不变的善,而后者本应比灵魂本身带给灵魂更大的愉悦。那么,这一偏离当是灵魂自身所为,因为,假若意志始终坚定不移地爱着那更高的永恒不变的善——后者用知识照亮其心灵,用爱温暖其意志 ——,它便不会转而向自身追求满足,并因而失去了那光明和温暖。因此,夏娃本不会对毒蛇的谎言信以为真,而亚当本不会把妻子的意志置于上帝的意志之上。……

我们的人生——假若如此灾难深重的人生能被恰当地称为人生——证明了如下事实,自其初始之时,寿数有限的人类已戴罪在身。首先,想想那可怕的愚昧之渊,这里谬误横生,将亚当的子孙们淹没于黑暗的泥沼之中,任何人若不付出劳碌、泪水和恐惧的代价均无法脱身。再看看我们贪恋的一切,最终都证明是如此的徒劳、有害,并滋生出这许多的心痛、烦恼、忧伤与恐惧;这般疯狂地沉溺于争执、倾扎与战乱;这般纠缠于敌人、骗子和献媚之徒的愤怒与阴谋;这般尔虞我诈、盗窃抢掠;这般背叛与骄傲、忌妒与野心、屠戮与谋杀、残忍与野蛮、违法与贪婪;所有无耻、肮脏的激情——淫乱与私通、 乱伦与种种伤天害理的罪恶、强奸以及无数令人难以启齿的卑劣行径;针对信仰的种种邪恶——亵渎神灵与异端邪说、目无上帝与违背誓言;针对邻居的不义之举——毁谤与欺骗、谎言与伪证、杀人越货;还有法庭的不公以及无数其它充斥这个世界却不为人注意的种种苦难与疾病。


奥古斯丁(354—430年)是西方神学史上最重要的思想家之一。本文(题目为译者所加)节选自其名著《上帝之城》(the city of god)。在该书中,他设计了一整套基督徒的人生观,其影响波及罗马帝国崩溃后近一千年的中世纪西方文明。奥古斯丁虽然崇尚古希腊苏格拉底和柏拉图的成就,但拒绝接受他们的根本主张,这就是,个人只需依靠理性便可探求真理。他的神学信仰可以简略地概括为:如果人类离开上帝,像亚当和夏娃那样追随自己的欲望,他们就会堕入邪恶的深渊,遭受种种苦难的折磨;惟有上帝的恩赐能拯救人类于苦海之中。从奥古斯丁的神学中不难看出,中世纪已用“信仰”取代古希腊所张扬的“理性 ”,西方文明由此进入所谓“信仰的时代”(the age of faith)。但同时我们也应看到,奥古斯丁在其神学中还是为“法律”与“教育”保留了一席之地。

i have already said, in previous books, that god had two purposes in deriving all men from one man. his first purpose was to give unity to the human race by the likeness of nature. his second purpose was to bind mankind by the bond of peace, through blood relationship, into one harmonious whole. i have said further that no member of this race would ever have died had not the first two (adam and eve)---one created from nothing and the second from the first---merited this death by disobedience. the sin which they committed was so great that it impaired all human nature---in this sense, that the nature has been transmitted to posterity with a propensity to sin and a necessity to die....
when a man lives “according to man”---and not “according to god”---he is like the devil....
when man lives according to himself, that is to say, according to human ways and not according to god’s will, then surely he lives according to falsehood. man himself, of course, is not a lie, since god who is his author and creator could not be the author and creator of a lie. rather, man has been so constituted in truth that he was meant to live not according to himself but to him who made him---that is, he was meant to do the will of god rather than his own. it is a lie not to live as a man was created to live.
man indeed desires happiness even when he does so live as to make happiness impossible.... the happiness of man can come not from himself but only from god, and that to live according to oneself is to sin, and to sin is to lose god....
moreover, our first parents (adam and eve) only fell openly into the sin of disobedience because, secretly, they had begun to be guilty. actually, their bad deed could not have been done had not bad will preceded it; what is more, the root of their bad will was nothing else than pride. for, “pride is the beginning of all sin.”---and what is pride but an appetite for inordinate exaltation? now, exaltation is inordinate when the soul cuts itself off from the very source (god) to which it should keep close and somehow makes itself and becomes an end to itself. this takes place when the soul becomes inordinately pleased with itself, and such self-pleasing occurs when the soul falls away from the unchangeable good which ought to please the soul far more than the soul can please itself. now, this falling a way is the soul’s own doing, for, if the will had merely remained firm in the love of that higher immutable good which lighted its mind into knowledge and warmed its will into love, it would not have turned away in search of satisfaction in itself and, by so doing, have lost that light and warmth. and thus eve would not have believed that the serpent’s lie was true, nor would adam have preferred the will of his wife to the will of god....
this life of ours---if a life so full of such great ills can properly be called a life---bears witness to the fact that, from its very start, the race of mortal men has been a race condemned. think, first, of that dreadful abyss of ignorance from which all error flows and so engulfs the sons of adam in a darksome pool that no one can escape without the toll of toils and tears and fears. then, take our very love for all those things that prove so vain and poisonous and breed so many heartaches, troubles, griefs, and fears; such insane joys in discord, strife, and war; such wrath and plots of enemies, deceivers, sycophants; such fraud and theft and robbery; such perfidy and pride, envy and ambition, homicide and murder, cruelty and savagery, lawlessness and lust; all the shameless passions of the impure---fornication and adultery, incest and unnatural sins, rape and countless other uncleannesses too nasty to be mentioned; the sins against religion---sacrilege and heresy, blasphemy and perjury; the iniquities against our neighbors---calumnies and cheating, lies and false witness, violence to persons and property; the injustices of the courts and the innumerable other miseries and maladies that fill the world, yet escape attention.
it is true that it is wicked men who do such things, but the source of all such sins is that radical canker (sinfulness) in the mind and will that is innate in every son of adam....
yet, for all this blight of ignorance and folly, fallen man has not been left without some ministries of providence, nor has god, in his anger, shut up his mercies. there are still within the reach of man himself, if only he will pay the price of toil and trouble, the twin resources of law and education. with the one, he can make war on human passion; with the other, he can keep the light of learning lit even in the darkness of our native ignorance....
from this all but hell of unhappiness here on earth, nothing can save us but the grace of jesus christ, who is our saviour, lord and god. in fact, the very meaning of the name, jesus, is saviour, and when we say “save”, we mean, especially, that he saves us from passing from the misery of this mortal life to a still more miserable condition, which is not so much a life as death....



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