
For a year.Marty and Edward worked and played and laughed. but never loved. Once, Marta had kissed Edward on the check before retiring to her room. He only smiled awkwardly. From then on. she seemed content with their exhilaratintr’hikes in the mountains and lung talks on the porch after suppers.
One spring afternoon, torrential rains washed down the hillside, eroding the entrance to their mine. Furiously, Edward riled sand bags and stacked them in the water's path. Soaked and exhausted, his frantic ettorts seemed futile .Suddenly there was Marta at his side holding the next burlap bag open. Edward shoveled sand inside, then with the strength of any man, Marta hurled it onto the pile and opened another bag. For hours they worked. knee-deep in mud. until the rains diminished.
Hand in hand,they walked back to the cabin.Over warm soup Edward sighted,"I never could have saved the mine without you.thank you,Marta."
"You are welcome,"she answered with her usual smile,then went quietly to her room.
A few days later,a telegraph came announcing the arrival of the Henderson and Wellman families next week.As much as he tired to stifle it,the thought of seeing Ingrid again started Edward's heart beating in the familiar way.
Together, he and Mama went to the train station. They watched as their families exited the train at the far end of the platform. When Ingrid appeared, Mama turned to Edward:‘go to her”she said.
Astonished, Edward stammered’What do you mean?"
"Edward,I have always known I was not the Henderaon girl you intended to send for. I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics,"she nodded towards her sister descending the train steps."I know it is she,not me,you desire for your wife."
Marta placed her fingers over his lips. "Shhh," she hushed him. "I do love you, Edward. I always have. And because of that, all I really want is your happiness, go to her."
He took her hand from his face and held it. As she gazed up at him, he saw for the first time how very beautiful she was. He recalled their walks in the meadows, their quiet evenings before the fire, the working beside him with the sandbags. It was then he realized what he had known for months.
"No, Marta. It was you I want." Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her with all the love bursting inside him. Their families gathered around them chorusing, we are here for the wedding

For a year.Marty and Edward worked and played and laughed. but never loved. Once, Marta had kissed Edward on the check before retiring to her room. He only smiled awkwardly. From then on. she seemed content with their exhilaratintr’hikes in the mountains and lung talks on the porch after suppers.
One spring afternoon, torrential rains washed down the hillside, eroding the entrance to their mine. Furiously, Edward riled sand bags and stacked them in the water's path. Soaked and exhausted, his frantic ettorts seemed futile .Suddenly there was Marta at his side holding the next burlap bag open. Edward shoveled sand inside, then with the strength of any man, Marta hurled it onto the pile and opened another bag. For hours they worked. knee-deep in mud. until the rains diminished.
Hand in hand,they walked back to the cabin.Over warm soup Edward sighted,"I never could have saved the mine without you.thank you,Marta."
"You are welcome,"she answered with her usual smile,then went quietly to her room.
A few days later,a telegraph came announcing the arrival of the Henderson and Wellman families next week.As much as he tired to stifle it,the thought of seeing Ingrid again started Edward's heart beating in the familiar way.
Together, he and Mama went to the train station. They watched as their families exited the train at the far end of the platform. When Ingrid appeared, Mama turned to Edward:‘go to her”she said.
Astonished, Edward stammered’What do you mean?"
"Edward,I have always known I was not the Henderaon girl you intended to send for. I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics,"she nodded towards her sister descending the train steps."I know it is she,not me,you desire for your wife."
Marta placed her fingers over his lips. "Shhh," she hushed him. "I do love you, Edward. I always have. And because of that, all I really want is your happiness, go to her."
He took her hand from his face and held it. As she gazed up at him, he saw for the first time how very beautiful she was. He recalled their walks in the meadows, their quiet evenings before the fire, the working beside him with the sandbags. It was then he realized what he had known for months.
"No, Marta. It was you I want." Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her with all the love bursting inside him. Their families gathered around them chorusing, we are here for the wedding