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Unit 3 What would you like?


Unit 3 C Story time 故事时间
Zoom: I'm hungry. 我饿了。
Zip: What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?
Zoom: I'd like a salad. 我想要一份色拉。
Zip: No problem, I have tomatoes, carrots, and onions. 没问题。我有西红柿、胡萝卜和洋葱。
Zip: The vegetables are so fresh! 蔬菜好新鲜!
Zoom: They're delicious, too. 它们也很美味。
Zip: Please clean the vegetables. 请清洗蔬菜。
Zoom: OK. 好。
Zomm: Be careful! 小心些!
Zip: I will. Thank you. 我会的。谢谢。
Zoo: It looks nice! 看起来不错!
Zip: It's healthy, too. 也很健康。
Zip: Here's some fresh milk. 这是一些新鲜的牛奶。
Zoom: Thank you. Dinner at the farm is great! 谢谢。农场的晚餐很棒!




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