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Unit 1 What's he like?


Unit 1 B Let's check 检查一下

Listen and circle. 听并圈出。
Hey, that's Miss Chen. 嘿,那是陈小姐。
She's my maths teacher. 她是我的数学老师。
Really? What's she like? 真的吗?她是怎样的人?
She is friendly. 她很友善。
Who's your music teacher? 你的音乐老师是谁?
Mr Grey. 是格雷先生。
Is he funny? 他幽默吗?
Yes, he is. 是的。
Listen again and answer. 再听一遍并回答。
What is Miss Chen like? 陈小姐是怎样的人?
What is Mr Grey like? 格雷先生是怎样的人?




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