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司空曙: 喜外弟卢纶见宿

司空曙: 喜外弟卢纶见宿

司空曙: 喜外弟卢纶见宿/ sikong shu: when lu lun my cousin comes for the night
静夜四无邻, 荒居旧业贫。
雨中黄叶树, 灯下白头人。
以我独沉久, 愧君相访频。
平生自有分, 况是蔡家亲。
when lu lun my cousin comes for the night
sikong shu
with no other neighbour but the quiet night,
here i live in the same old cottage;
and as raindrops brighten yellow leaves,
the lamp illumines my white head....
out of the world these many years,
i am ashamed to receive you here.
but you cannot come too often,
more than brother, lifelong friend.

静夜四无邻, 荒居旧业贫。
雨中黄叶树, 灯下白头人。
以我独沉久, 愧君相访频。
平生自有分, 况是蔡家亲。
司空曙: 喜外弟卢纶见宿/ sikong shu: when lu lun my cousin comes for the night
when lu lun my cousin comes for the night
sikong shu
with no other neighbour but the quiet night,
here i live in the same old cottage;
and as raindrops brighten yellow leaves,
the lamp illumines my white head....
out of the world these many years,
i am ashamed to receive you here.
but you cannot come too often,
more than brother, lifelong friend.



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