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the word"crusade" now usually has positive overtones which, however, bear no relation to historical events. the first crusade, for instance, resulted in the capture of jerusalem in july 1099 and the massacre of around 40,000 unarmed civilians in the city.
at the time, the crusaders viewed this act of genocide as a glorious victory. the following account by raymond d'aguiliers, an eyewitness of the first crusade and one of its most important chroniclers, is very revealing:"now that our men had possession of the walls and towers, wonderful sights were to be seen. some of our men cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with arrows; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen in the streets.... it was a just and splendid judgment of god that this place should be filled with unbelivers' blood."

英文 crusade(像十字军般致力除恶)一字,今天一般有褒义,但这不符合史实。例如第一次十字军兴师,一○九九年七月攻陷耶路撒冷,屠杀了城中约四万个手无寸铁的平民。



英文 crusade(像十字军般致力除恶)一字,今天一般有褒义,但这不符合史实。例如第一次十字军兴师,一○九九年七月攻陷耶路撒冷,屠杀了城中约四万个手无寸铁的平民。

the word"crusade" now usually has positive overtones which, however, bear no relation to historical events. the first crusade, for instance, resulted in the capture of jerusalem in july 1099 and the massacre of around 40,000 unarmed civilians in the city.
at the time, the crusaders viewed this act of genocide as a glorious victory. the following account by raymond d'aguiliers, an eyewitness of the first crusade and one of its most important chroniclers, is very revealing:"now that our men had possession of the walls and towers, wonderful sights were to be seen. some of our men cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with arrows; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen in the streets.... it was a just and splendid judgment of god that this place should be filled with unbelivers' blood."



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