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他太累了-He Is too Tired,他太累了-He Is too Tired范文

他太累了-He Is too Tired,他太累了-He Is too Tired范文

他太累了-He Is too Tired点点英语网为您收集 詹尼特是个三年级的学生。他以前很活泼好动,是一个快乐的孩子。可是自从有一次他进了电子游戏厅以后,事情都改变了。他再也不跟小朋友们一起踢球,一起做运动了。白天上课不集中注意力,老打瞌睡。成绩一个劲儿地下降。可是放学后他就有精神了。他会呆在游戏厅直到下班时间。真是一个十足的电子游戏迷。爸爸妈妈有时也管不了他。看着他每天早上拖着疲惫的身体上学校,我们真觉得难过。他太累了。
He Is too Tired
Janet is a student of Grade Three. He once was a very active and happy boy. But everything has changed after he was addicted to electronic games. He never plays football with his companions any more. And when he sits in the classroom, he can't pay attention to what teachers say. He sleeps in the classes. And he spends less and less time in studying. As a result, he has fallen behind his class. But he becomes a completely different person after school is over. He stays in the hall of electronic games until it is closed. Ah, he is a strict fan of electronic games. Sometimes his parents can do nothing to stop him. Every morning in the school when we see that he is so weak after a night's "busyworking" , we really feel sad. He is too tired!
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他太累了-He Is too Tired点点英语网为您收集 詹尼特是个三年级的学生。他以前很活泼好动,是一个快乐的孩子。可是自从有一次他进了电子游戏厅以后,事情都改变了。他再也不跟小朋友们一起踢球,一起做运动了。白天上课不集中注意力,老打瞌睡。成绩一个劲儿地下降。可是放学后他就有精神了。他会呆在游戏厅直到下班时间。真是一个十足的电子游戏迷。爸爸妈妈有时也管不了他。看着他每天早上拖着疲惫的身体上学校,我们真觉得难过。他太累了。
He Is too Tired

Janet is a student of Grade Three. He once was a very active and happy boy. But everything has changed after he was addicted to electronic games. He never plays football with his companions any more. And when he sits in the classroom, he can't pay attention to what teachers say. He sleeps in the classes. And he spends less and less time in studying. As a result, he has fallen behind his class. But he becomes a completely different person after school is over. He stays in the hall of electronic games until it is closed. Ah, he is a strict fan of electronic games. Sometimes his parents can do nothing to stop him. Every morning in the school when we see that he is so weak after a night's "busyworking" , we really feel sad. He is too tired!
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