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一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game,一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game范

一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game,一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game范

一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 www.ddyingyu.com 今天下午我们学校有一场篮球赛,是5年级3班和6班的比赛,他们是我们学校最好的球队。球赛开始后,两队都打得很积极。只见球迅速地从一个人手中传到另一个人手中。真是一场精彩的比赛。最后,6班赢了,3班衷心地向他们表示祝贺。他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。
There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".
一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 www.ddyingyu.com

一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 www.ddyingyu.com 今天下午我们学校有一场篮球赛,是5年级3班和6班的比赛,他们是我们学校最好的球队。球赛开始后,两队都打得很积极。只见球迅速地从一个人手中传到另一个人手中。真是一场精彩的比赛。最后,6班赢了,3班衷心地向他们表示祝贺。他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。
There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".
一场篮球赛-A Basketball Game由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 www.ddyingyu.com



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