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Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾,Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫

Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾,Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫

Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾 点点英语网为您收集 www.ddyingyu.com 我们家住的楼前总是有一堆垃圾,天长日久都发出了恶臭。人们经过时都得捂着鼻子。有一次课堂上,老师给我们讲了雷锋叔叔助人为乐的故事,我被深深地感动了。于是我放学回家后就开始清扫那堆垃圾。现在我的邻居们就不必捂着鼻子进家门了,苍蝇蚊子没有了“家”也就逃之天天了。
Clear Away the Rubbish
There is always a pile of smelly rubbish in front of the building we live. Everyone has to cover his nose with his hand while he passes by. One day, our teacher told us in class some good deeds done by Uncle Lei Feng. I was moved deeply by that. So after school, I started to clear the rubbish away. Now my neighbors don't have to cover their noses.
Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾 点点英语网为您收集 www.ddyingyu.com

Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾 点点英语网为您收集 www.ddyingyu.com 我们家住的楼前总是有一堆垃圾,天长日久都发出了恶臭。人们经过时都得捂着鼻子。有一次课堂上,老师给我们讲了雷锋叔叔助人为乐的故事,我被深深地感动了。于是我放学回家后就开始清扫那堆垃圾。现在我的邻居们就不必捂着鼻子进家门了,苍蝇蚊子没有了“家”也就逃之天天了。
Clear Away the Rubbish

There is always a pile of smelly rubbish in front of the building we live. Everyone has to cover his nose with his hand while he passes by. One day, our teacher told us in class some good deeds done by Uncle Lei Feng. I was moved deeply by that. So after school, I started to clear the rubbish away. Now my neighbors don't have to cover their noses.
Clear Away the Rubbish-清扫垃圾 点点英语网为您收集 www.ddyingyu.com



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