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开膛手杰克所杀的妓女Annie Chapman的鬼魂-英国鬼故事英语版

开膛手杰克所杀的妓女Annie Chapman的鬼魂-英国鬼故事英语版

真实历史:1888年9月8日凌晨五点四十五分,一位居住在汉伯宁街(hanbury street)29号的老车夫于其廉价出 租公寓的后方篱笆里发现一具女尸,死者是47岁的妓女安妮·查普曼(annie chapman)。她与前位死者同样被割开喉咙,并惨遭剖腹,肠子被甩到她的右肩上,部分子宫和腹部的肉被凶手割走。其颈部有明显的勒痕,据说死前曾呼救,但未引起注意。由于这是凶手第一次在住宅附近犯案,时间还是接近清晨的5点以前,却未发出任何引人注意的声响,此案成为日后人称开膛手的凶手所犯下最著名的案件。
the north side of hanbury street is now covered by the sprawling mass of the buildings that were formerly the truman brewery. it was built on the site of number 29 hanbury street, in the back yard of which at around 6am on 8th september 1888, the body of annie chapman, jack the ripper's second victim was discovered.

at 6am on 8th september 1888 john davis, an elderly resident of 29 hanbury street came downstairs, walked along the narrow passageway and opened the back door. the sight that he saw shook him to the core. moments later two workmen walking along hanbury street were suddenly startled when the door of number 29 burst open and a wild eyed old man stumbled into the street. "men" he cried "come here." nervously they followed him along the passageway and looking into the yard saw the mutilated body of annie chapman.
her dress had been pulled up around her knees, exposing her striped stockings. a deep cut had slashed across her throat; her intestines had been tugged out and laid across her shoulder. missing from the body were the uterus and part of the bladder. the contents of her pocket were found lying in a neat pile near to the body. the brass rings that she had been wearing at the time of her death had evidently been torn from her fingers and were never discovered. and, just a few feet away from the body, there lay a folded and wet leather apron.

in the days of the brewery it was often noticed that a strange chill drifted through the boardroom at 6am on the anniversary of the murder and it was also reported that annie chapman's headless ghost was sometimes seen standing by the wall of the storeroom that occupied the spot where she died.

jack the ripper,是1888年8月7日到11月9日间,于伦敦东区的白教堂(whitechapel)一带以残忍手法连续杀害至少五名妓女的凶手代称。犯案期间,凶手多次写信至相关单位挑衅,却始终未落入法网。其大胆的犯案手法,又经媒体一再渲染而引起当时英国社会的恐慌。至今他依然是欧美文化中最恶名昭彰的杀手之一。虽然犯案期间距今已达百年之久,研究该案的书籍与相关研究也日渐增多。但因缺乏证据,凶手是谁却是各说其词、毫无交集,因而使案情更加扑朔迷离。可是开膛手杰克的身影却透过媒体、摇滚乐、玩具等物品不断出现在今日的大众文化之中。

真实历史:1888年9月8日凌晨五点四十五分,一位居住在汉伯宁街(hanbury street)29号的老车夫于其廉价出 租公寓的后方篱笆里发现一具女尸,死者是47岁的妓女安妮·查普曼(annie chapman)。她与前位死者同样被割开喉咙,并惨遭剖腹,肠子被甩到她的右肩上,部分子宫和腹部的肉被凶手割走。其颈部有明显的勒痕,据说死前曾呼救,但未引起注意。由于这是凶手第一次在住宅附近犯案,时间还是接近清晨的5点以前,却未发出任何引人注意的声响,此案成为日后人称开膛手的凶手所犯下最著名的案件。

jack the ripper,是1888年8月7日到11月9日间,于伦敦东区的白教堂(whitechapel)一带以残忍手法连续杀害至少五名妓女的凶手代称。犯案期间,凶手多次写信至相关单位挑衅,却始终未落入法网。其大胆的犯案手法,又经媒体一再渲染而引起当时英国社会的恐慌。至今他依然是欧美文化中最恶名昭彰的杀手之一。虽然犯案期间距今已达百年之久,研究该案的书籍与相关研究也日渐增多。但因缺乏证据,凶手是谁却是各说其词、毫无交集,因而使案情更加扑朔迷离。可是开膛手杰克的身影却透过媒体、摇滚乐、玩具等物品不断出现在今日的大众文化之中。

the north side of hanbury street is now covered by the sprawling mass of the buildings that were formerly the truman brewery. it was built on the site of number 29 hanbury street, in the back yard of which at around 6am on 8th september 1888, the body of annie chapman, jack the ripper's second victim was discovered.
at 6am on 8th september 1888 john davis, an elderly resident of 29 hanbury street came downstairs, walked along the narrow passageway and opened the back door. the sight that he saw shook him to the core. moments later two workmen walking along hanbury street were suddenly startled when the door of number 29 burst open and a wild eyed old man stumbled into the street. "men" he cried "come here." nervously they followed him along the passageway and looking into the yard saw the mutilated body of annie chapman.
her dress had been pulled up around her knees, exposing her striped stockings. a deep cut had slashed across her throat; her intestines had been tugged out and laid across her shoulder. missing from the body were the uterus and part of the bladder. the contents of her pocket were found lying in a neat pile near to the body. the brass rings that she had been wearing at the time of her death had evidently been torn from her fingers and were never discovered. and, just a few feet away from the body, there lay a folded and wet leather apron.
in the days of the brewery it was often noticed that a strange chill drifted through the boardroom at 6am on the anniversary of the murder and it was also reported that annie chapman's headless ghost was sometimes seen standing by the wall of the storeroom that occupied the spot where she died.



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