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north africa was a major theatre of operations in world warⅡ. during 1941, the fighting in the western desert became very confused at times.
one british officer, looking for shelter, noticed an apparently unoccupied italian truck. cautiously opening the door, he jumped in only to find its italian driver fast asleep. calling on his faulty italian, he jammed a pistol in the man's chest, whispering"alto in mano." swift to comply, the italian corrected him politely,"mani in alto."
on another occasion, erwin rommel, commander of the german forces in north africa, lost his way and spent the night out in the open. only when dawn came did he discover that he had spent the night in the company of the 4th indian division. quickly, he slipped away.

一名英国军官想找地方栖身,看见一辆意大利卡车,车上似乎没有人。他小心翼翼,打开车门, 走进去,才看见那意大利司机睡熟了。他用手枪抵住那司机胸膛,操不纯正的意大利语说:「 alto in mano。」那意大利人马上照办,然后客客气气纠正他说:「 mani in alto(举手)。」



一名英国军官想找地方栖身,看见一辆意大利卡车,车上似乎没有人。他小心翼翼,打开车门, 走进去,才看见那意大利司机睡熟了。他用手枪抵住那司机胸膛,操不纯正的意大利语说:「 alto in mano。」那意大利人马上照办,然后客客气气纠正他说:「 mani in alto(举手)。」

north africa was a major theatre of operations in world warⅡ. during 1941, the fighting in the western desert became very confused at times.
one british officer, looking for shelter, noticed an apparently unoccupied italian truck. cautiously opening the door, he jumped in only to find its italian driver fast asleep. calling on his faulty italian, he jammed a pistol in the man's chest, whispering"alto in mano." swift to comply, the italian corrected him politely,"mani in alto."
on another occasion, erwin rommel, commander of the german forces in north africa, lost his way and spent the night out in the open. only when dawn came did he discover that he had spent the night in the company of the 4th indian division. quickly, he slipped away.



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