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李商隐: 寄令狐郎中/ Li Shangyin: A MESSAGE TO SECRETARY LINGHU

李商隐: 寄令狐郎中/ Li Shangyin: A MESSAGE TO SECRETARY LINGHU

李商隐: 寄令狐郎中/ li shangyin: a message to secretary linghu
嵩云秦树久离居, 双鲤迢迢一纸笔。
休问梁园旧宾客, 茂陵秋雨病相如。
a message to secretary linghu
li shangyin
i am far from the clouds of sung mountain, a long way from trees in qin;
and i send to you a message carried by two carp:
-- absent this autumn from the prince's garden,
there's a poet at maoling sick in the rain.

嵩云秦树久离居, 双鲤迢迢一纸笔。
休问梁园旧宾客, 茂陵秋雨病相如。
李商隐: 寄令狐郎中/ li shangyin: a message to secretary linghu
a message to secretary linghu
li shangyin
i am far from the clouds of sung mountain, a long way from trees in qin;
and i send to you a message carried by two carp:
-- absent this autumn from the prince's garden,
there's a poet at maoling sick in the rain.



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