金昌绪: 春怨/ Jin Changzu: A SPRING SIGH
金昌绪: 春怨/ jin changzu: a spring sigh
打起黄莺儿, 莫教枝上啼。
啼时惊妾梦, 不得到辽西。
a spring sigh
jin changzu
drive the orioles away,
all their music from the trees....
when she dreamed that she went to liaoxi camp
to join him there, they wakened her
打起黄莺儿, 莫教枝上啼。
啼时惊妾梦, 不得到辽西。
a spring sigh
jin changzu
drive the orioles away,
all their music from the trees....
when she dreamed that she went to liaoxi camp
to join him there, they wakened her
打起黄莺儿, 莫教枝上啼。
啼时惊妾梦, 不得到辽西。
金昌绪: 春怨/ jin changzu: a spring sigh
a spring sigh
jin changzu
drive the orioles away,
all their music from the trees....
when she dreamed that she went to liaoxi camp
to join him there, they wakened her
a spring sigh
jin changzu
drive the orioles away,
all their music from the trees....
when she dreamed that she went to liaoxi camp
to join him there, they wakened her