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李商隐:无题二首(之一)/ Li Shangyin: TO ONE UNNAMED I

李商隐:无题二首(之一)/ Li Shangyin: TO ONE UNNAMED I

李商隐:无题二首(之一)/ li shangyin: to one unnamed i
凤尾香罗薄几重, 碧文圆顶夜深缝。
扇裁月魄羞难掩, 车走雷声语未通。
曾是寂寥金烬暗, 断无消息石榴红。
斑骓只系垂杨岸, 何处西南任好风?
to one unnamed i
li shangyin
a faint phoenix-tail gauze, fragrant and doubled,
lines your green canopy, closed for the night....
will your shy face peer round a moon-shaped fan,
and your voice be heard hushing the rattle of my carriage?
it is quiet and quiet where your gold lamp dies,

how far can a pomegranate-blossom whisper?
...i will tether my horse to a river willow
and wait for the will of the southwest wind.

凤尾香罗薄几重, 碧文圆顶夜深缝。
扇裁月魄羞难掩, 车走雷声语未通。
曾是寂寥金烬暗, 断无消息石榴红。
斑骓只系垂杨岸, 何处西南任好风?

李商隐:无题二首(之一)/ li shangyin: to one unnamed i
to one unnamed i
li shangyin
a faint phoenix-tail gauze, fragrant and doubled,
lines your green canopy, closed for the night....
will your shy face peer round a moon-shaped fan,
and your voice be heard hushing the rattle of my carriage?
it is quiet and quiet where your gold lamp dies,
how far can a pomegranate-blossom whisper?
...i will tether my horse to a river willow
and wait for the will of the southwest wind.



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