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元稹: 遣悲怀(之一)/ Yuan Zhen: AN ELEGY I

元稹: 遣悲怀(之一)/ Yuan Zhen: AN ELEGY I

元稹: 遣悲怀(之一)/ yuan zhen: an elegy i
谢公最小偏怜女, 自嫁黔娄百事乖。
顾我无衣搜荩箧, 泥他沽酒拔金钗。
野蔬充膳甘长藿, 落叶添薪仰古槐。
今日俸钱过十万, 与君营奠复营斋。
an elegy i
yuan zhen
o youngest, best-loved daughter of xie,
who unluckily married this penniless scholar,
you patched my clothes from your own wicker basket,
and i coaxed off your hairpins of gold, to buy wine with;
for dinner we had to pick wild herbs --
and to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling.
...today they are paying me a hundred thousand --
and all that i can bring to you is a temple sacrifice.

谢公最小偏怜女, 自嫁黔娄百事乖。
顾我无衣搜荩箧, 泥他沽酒拔金钗。
野蔬充膳甘长藿, 落叶添薪仰古槐。
今日俸钱过十万, 与君营奠复营斋。
元稹: 遣悲怀(之一)/ yuan zhen: an elegy i
an elegy i
yuan zhen
o youngest, best-loved daughter of xie,
who unluckily married this penniless scholar,
you patched my clothes from your own wicker basket,
and i coaxed off your hairpins of gold, to buy wine with;
for dinner we had to pick wild herbs --
and to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling.
...today they are paying me a hundred thousand --
and all that i can bring to you is a temple sacrifice.



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