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温庭筠: 送人东游/ Wen Tingyun: TO A FRIEND BOUND EAST

温庭筠: 送人东游/ Wen Tingyun: TO A FRIEND BOUND EAST

温庭筠: 送人东游/ wen tingyun: to a friend bound east
荒戍落黄叶, 浩然离故关。
高风汉阳渡, 初日郢门山。
江上几人在? 天涯孤棹还。
何当重相见? 樽酒慰离颜。
to a friend bound east
wen tingyun
the old fort brims with yellow leaves....
you insist upon forsaking this place where you have lived.
a high wind blows at hanyang ferry
and sunrise lights the summit of yingmen....
who will be left for me along the upper yangzi

after your solitary skiff has entered the end of the sky?
i ask you over and over when we shall meet again,
while we soften with winecups this ache of farewell.

荒戍落黄叶, 浩然离故关。
高风汉阳渡, 初日郢门山。
江上几人在? 天涯孤棹还。
何当重相见? 樽酒慰离颜。

温庭筠: 送人东游/ wen tingyun: to a friend bound east
to a friend bound east
wen tingyun
the old fort brims with yellow leaves....
you insist upon forsaking this place where you have lived.
a high wind blows at hanyang ferry
and sunrise lights the summit of yingmen....
who will be left for me along the upper yangzi
after your solitary skiff has entered the end of the sky?
i ask you over and over when we shall meet again,
while we soften with winecups this ache of farewell.



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