杜甫: 天末怀李白/ Du Fu: TO LI BAI AT THE SKY SEND
杜甫: 天末怀李白/ du fu: to li bai at the sky send
凉风起天末, 君子意如何。
鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。
文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。
应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。
to li bai at the sky send
du fu
a cold wind blows from the far sky....
what are you thinking of, old friend?
the wildgeese never answer me.
rivers and lakes are flooded with rain.
...a poet should beware of prosperity,
yet demons can haunt a wanderer.
ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him
where he drowned himself in the milo river.
凉风起天末, 君子意如何。
鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。
文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。
应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。
to li bai at the sky send
du fu
a cold wind blows from the far sky....
what are you thinking of, old friend?
the wildgeese never answer me.
rivers and lakes are flooded with rain.
...a poet should beware of prosperity,
yet demons can haunt a wanderer.
ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him
where he drowned himself in the milo river.
凉风起天末, 君子意如何。
鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。
文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。
应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。
杜甫: 天末怀李白/ du fu: to li bai at the sky send
to li bai at the sky send
du fu
a cold wind blows from the far sky....
what are you thinking of, old friend?
the wildgeese never answer me.
rivers and lakes are flooded with rain.
...a poet should beware of prosperity,
yet demons can haunt a wanderer.
ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him
where he drowned himself in the milo river.
to li bai at the sky send
du fu
a cold wind blows from the far sky....
what are you thinking of, old friend?
the wildgeese never answer me.
rivers and lakes are flooded with rain.
...a poet should beware of prosperity,
yet demons can haunt a wanderer.
ask an unhappy ghost, throw poems to him
where he drowned himself in the milo river.