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李商隐: 风雨/ Li Shangyin: WIND AND RAIN

李商隐: 风雨/ Li Shangyin: WIND AND RAIN

李商隐: 风雨/ li shangyin: wind and rain
凄凉宝剑篇, 羁泊欲穷年。
黄叶仍风雨, 青楼自管弦。
新知遭薄俗, 旧好隔良缘。
心断新丰酒, 销愁斗几千。
wind and rain
li shangyin
i ponder on the poem of the precious dagger.
my road has wound through many years.
...now yellow leaves are shaken with a gale;
yet piping and fiddling keep the blue houses merry.
on the surface, i seem to be glad of new people;

but doomed to leave old friends behind me,
i cry out from my heart for xinfeng wine
to melt away my thousand woes.

凄凉宝剑篇, 羁泊欲穷年。
黄叶仍风雨, 青楼自管弦。
新知遭薄俗, 旧好隔良缘。
心断新丰酒, 销愁斗几千。

李商隐: 风雨/ li shangyin: wind and rain
wind and rain
li shangyin
i ponder on the poem of the precious dagger.
my road has wound through many years.
...now yellow leaves are shaken with a gale;
yet piping and fiddling keep the blue houses merry.
on the surface, i seem to be glad of new people;
but doomed to leave old friends behind me,
i cry out from my heart for xinfeng wine
to melt away my thousand woes.



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