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戴叔伦: 江乡故人偶集客舍/ Dai Shulun: Dai Shulun

戴叔伦: 江乡故人偶集客舍/ Dai Shulun: Dai Shulun

戴叔伦: 江乡故人偶集客舍/ dai shulun: dai shulun
天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。
还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。
风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。
羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。
changing on old friends in a village inn
dai shulun
while the autumn moon is pouring full
on a thousand night-levels among towns and villages,
there meet by chance, south of the river,
dreaming doubters of a dream....
in the trees a wind has startled the birds,

and insects cower from cold in the grass;
but wayfarers at least have wine
and nothing to fear -- till the morning bell.

天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。
还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。
风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。
羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。

戴叔伦: 江乡故人偶集客舍/ dai shulun: dai shulun
changing on old friends in a village inn
dai shulun
while the autumn moon is pouring full
on a thousand night-levels among towns and villages,
there meet by chance, south of the river,
dreaming doubters of a dream....
in the trees a wind has startled the birds,
and insects cower from cold in the grass;
but wayfarers at least have wine
and nothing to fear -- till the morning bell.



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