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张九龄: 望月怀远

张九龄: 望月怀远

张九龄: 望月怀远/ zhang jiuling: looking at the moon and thinking of one far away
海上生明月, 天涯共此时。
情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。
灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。
不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。
looking at the moon and thinking of one far away
zhang jiuling
the moon, grown full now over the sea,
brightening the whole of heaven,
brings to separated hearts
the long thoughtfulness of night....
it is no darker though i blow out my candle.

it is no warmer though i put on my coat.
so i leave my message with the moon
and turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.

海上生明月, 天涯共此时。
情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。
灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。
不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。

张九龄: 望月怀远/ zhang jiuling: looking at the moon and thinking of one far away
looking at the moon and thinking of one far away
zhang jiuling
the moon, grown full now over the sea,
brightening the whole of heaven,
brings to separated hearts
the long thoughtfulness of night....
it is no darker though i blow out my candle.
it is no warmer though i put on my coat.
so i leave my message with the moon
and turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.



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