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韦应物: 郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集

韦应物: 郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集

韦应物: 郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集/ wei yingwu: entertaining literary men in my official residence on a rainy day
兵卫森画戟, 宴寝凝清香。
海上风雨至, 逍遥池阁凉。
烦痾近消散, 嘉宾复满堂。
自惭居处崇, 未睹斯民康。
理会是非遣, 性达形迹忘。
鲜肥属时禁, 蔬果幸见尝。
俯饮一杯酒, 仰聆金玉章。
神欢体自轻, 意欲淩风翔。
吴中盛文史, 群彦今汪洋。
方知大蕃地, 岂曰财赋强。
entertaining literary men in my official residence on a rainy day

wei yingwu
outside are insignia, shown in state;
but here are sweet incense-clouds, quietly ours.
wind and rain, coming in from sea,
have cooled this pavilion above the lake
and driven the feverish heat away
from where my eminent guests are gathered.
…ashamed though i am of my high position
while people lead unhappy lives,
let us reasonably banish care
and just be friends, enjoying nature.
though we have to go without fish and meat,
there are fruits and vegetables aplenty.
…we bow, we take our cups of wine,

we give our attention to beautiful poems.
when the mind is exalted, the body is lightened
and feels as if it could float in the wind.
…suzhou is famed as a centre of letters;
and all you writers, coming here,
prove that the name of a great land
is made by better things than wealth.

兵卫森画戟, 宴寝凝清香。
海上风雨至, 逍遥池阁凉。
烦痾近消散, 嘉宾复满堂。
自惭居处崇, 未睹斯民康。
理会是非遣, 性达形迹忘。
鲜肥属时禁, 蔬果幸见尝。
俯饮一杯酒, 仰聆金玉章。
神欢体自轻, 意欲淩风翔。
吴中盛文史, 群彦今汪洋。
方知大蕃地, 岂曰财赋强。

韦应物: 郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集/ wei yingwu: entertaining literary men in my official residence on a rainy day
entertaining literary men in my official residence on a rainy day
wei yingwu
outside are insignia, shown in state;
but here are sweet incense-clouds, quietly ours.
wind and rain, coming in from sea,
have cooled this pavilion above the lake
and driven the feverish heat away
from where my eminent guests are gathered.
…ashamed though i am of my high position
while people lead unhappy lives,
let us reasonably banish care
and just be friends, enjoying nature.
though we have to go without fish and meat,
there are fruits and vegetables aplenty.
…we bow, we take our cups of wine,
we give our attention to beautiful poems.
when the mind is exalted, the body is lightened
and feels as if it could float in the wind.
…suzhou is famed as a centre of letters;
and all you writers, coming here,
prove that the name of a great land
is made by better things than wealth.



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