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英文诗歌:I know why the caged bird sings(双语)

英文诗歌:I know why the caged bird sings(双语)

i know why the caged bird sings---玛雅·安吉洛
a free bird leaps on the back         一只自由的小鸟跳上风的背
of the wind and floats downstream       侧翼向下游滑翔
till the current ends and dips his wing     直到气流结束,就着桔色的阳光
in the orange suns rays           浸染翅膀
and dares to claim the sky.         并敢于向天空,申明主张
but a bird that stalks down his narrow cage 但是伯德[注]阔步进入他狭窄的牢笼
can seldom see through his bars of rage   极少能把铁栏的愤怒看到尽头
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied   他的翅膀被剪短,双脚被束缚
so he opens his throat to sing.        因此它歌唱――敞开喉咙

the caged bird sings with a fearful trill     笼子里的小鸟用耸然的颤音
of things unknown but longed for still     歌唱未知,但坚持渴望
and his tune is heard on the distant hill for   歌声传到远方的山顶
the caged bird sings of freedom.       为笼子里的小鸟点亮自由
the free bird thinks of another breeze     自由的小鸟想起另一阵微风
and the trade winds soft through       那同行柔软的缠绕
the sighing trees              穿过叹息的树丛
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright  肥胖的虫子守在黎明明媚的草坪
lawn and he names the sky his own.     他用天空为自己命名
but a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams但是一个囚笼的伯德站在理想的坟头
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream   他的幽灵发出恶梦样的尖叫
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied    他的羽翅被剪断,双脚被缚住
so he opens his throat to sing.         所以他要歌唱,只能张开喉咙

the caged bird sings with           笼子中的小鸟用耸然的颤音
a fearful trill of things unknown        歌唱未知,但坚持渴望
but longed for still and his          但是他的歌声
tune is heard on the distant hill        传到远方的山顶
for the caged bird sings of freedom.      为笼子中的小鸟点亮自由
译者注:本诗题目[i know why the caged bird sings]不仅仅是玛雅的诗歌作品。

i know why the caged bird sings---玛雅·安吉洛
a free bird leaps on the back         一只自由的小鸟跳上风的背
of the wind and floats downstream       侧翼向下游滑翔
till the current ends and dips his wing     直到气流结束,就着桔色的阳光
in the orange suns rays           浸染翅膀
and dares to claim the sky.         并敢于向天空,申明主张
but a bird that stalks down his narrow cage 但是伯德[注]阔步进入他狭窄的牢笼
can seldom see through his bars of rage   极少能把铁栏的愤怒看到尽头
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied   他的翅膀被剪短,双脚被束缚
so he opens his throat to sing.        因此它歌唱――敞开喉咙

the caged bird sings with a fearful trill     笼子里的小鸟用耸然的颤音
of things unknown but longed for still     歌唱未知,但坚持渴望
and his tune is heard on the distant hill for   歌声传到远方的山顶
the caged bird sings of freedom.       为笼子里的小鸟点亮自由
the free bird thinks of another breeze     自由的小鸟想起另一阵微风
and the trade winds soft through       那同行柔软的缠绕
the sighing trees              穿过叹息的树丛
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright  肥胖的虫子守在黎明明媚的草坪
lawn and he names the sky his own.     他用天空为自己命名
but a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams但是一个囚笼的伯德站在理想的坟头
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream   他的幽灵发出恶梦样的尖叫
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied    他的羽翅被剪断,双脚被缚住
so he opens his throat to sing.         所以他要歌唱,只能张开喉咙

the caged bird sings with           笼子中的小鸟用耸然的颤音
a fearful trill of things unknown        歌唱未知,但坚持渴望
but longed for still and his          但是他的歌声
tune is heard on the distant hill        传到远方的山顶
for the caged bird sings of freedom.      为笼子中的小鸟点亮自由
译者注:本诗题目[i know why the caged bird sings]不仅仅是玛雅的诗歌作品。



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