球星贝克汉姆之“雷人雷语” 英语名人语录

当时仍然还在曼联效力的小贝在评价自己的教练时说,“弗格森是我在这个级别效力过程拥有过的最棒的教练。其实他是我在这个级别效力过程拥有过的唯一一位教练,然而他还是我拥有过的最棒的教练。” (Alex Ferguson is the best manager I’ve ever had at this level. Well, he’s the only manager I’ve actually had at this level. But he’s the best manager I’ve ever had.)
小贝在谈及父母的支持时表示,“我父母自从我大约七岁的时候就一直陪伴着我。”(My parents have been there for me ever since I was about seven.)
在谈到英超联赛的时候,小贝则说,“这个联赛非常奇怪,你一个星期赢球,一个星期输球。”(This league is strange. You can win one week and lose the next.)
当被问及自己是否是一个多变的人时,他说,“啊,我可以在中场踢,可以在右路踢,有时也在左路踢。”(Well, I can play in the centre, on the right and occasionally on the left side.)
在回应人们对他的智商质疑时小贝表示,“一些人认为我没有头脑成为聪明的人。”(Some people think that I haven’t got the brains to be that clever.)
小贝对执教做出评论,“我并不那么热衷于执教。我热衷于为孩子们执教。”(Coaching is not something I’m passionate about. I’m passionate about coaching kids.)
对于炎热的比赛条件,小贝做出了评价,“下午三点比赛开踢,要知道在大中午烈日当头踢球很难。”(It was really difficult for us playing in the midday sun with that three o’clock kick-off.)
小贝谈到球王贝利时表示,“贝利是一个非常完整的球员。当然我没有现场看过他踢球,因为当时我还没有出生。”(Pele was a complete player. I didn’t see him live obviously, because I wasn’t born.)
在回忆首次当父亲的经历时,小贝说,“我记得当时维多利亚前往医院生布鲁克林的时候,我当时正在吃一块巧克力糖饼。”(‘I remember so clearly us going into hospital so Victoria could have Brooklyn. I was eating a Lion bar at the time.)
小贝还曾经表达了自己的宗教意向,“我肯定很有宗教感。我肯定希望布鲁克林受洗,但是还不知道要选哪个宗教。”(‘I have a definite sense of spirituality. I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don’t know into what religion yet.)

当时仍然还在曼联效力的小贝在评价自己的教练时说,“弗格森是我在这个级别效力过程拥有过的最棒的教练。其实他是我在这个级别效力过程拥有过的唯一一位教练,然而他还是我拥有过的最棒的教练。” (Alex Ferguson is the best manager I’ve ever had at this level. Well, he’s the only manager I’ve actually had at this level. But he’s the best manager I’ve ever had.)
小贝在谈及父母的支持时表示,“我父母自从我大约七岁的时候就一直陪伴着我。”(My parents have been there for me ever since I was about seven.)
在谈到英超联赛的时候,小贝则说,“这个联赛非常奇怪,你一个星期赢球,一个星期输球。”(This league is strange. You can win one week and lose the next.)
当被问及自己是否是一个多变的人时,他说,“啊,我可以在中场踢,可以在右路踢,有时也在左路踢。”(Well, I can play in the centre, on the right and occasionally on the left side.)
在回应人们对他的智商质疑时小贝表示,“一些人认为我没有头脑成为聪明的人。”(Some people think that I haven’t got the brains to be that clever.)
小贝对执教做出评论,“我并不那么热衷于执教。我热衷于为孩子们执教。”(Coaching is not something I’m passionate about. I’m passionate about coaching kids.)
对于炎热的比赛条件,小贝做出了评价,“下午三点比赛开踢,要知道在大中午烈日当头踢球很难。”(It was really difficult for us playing in the midday sun with that three o’clock kick-off.)
小贝谈到球王贝利时表示,“贝利是一个非常完整的球员。当然我没有现场看过他踢球,因为当时我还没有出生。”(Pele was a complete player. I didn’t see him live obviously, because I wasn’t born.)
在回忆首次当父亲的经历时,小贝说,“我记得当时维多利亚前往医院生布鲁克林的时候,我当时正在吃一块巧克力糖饼。”(‘I remember so clearly us going into hospital so Victoria could have Brooklyn. I was eating a Lion bar at the time.)
小贝还曾经表达了自己的宗教意向,“我肯定很有宗教感。我肯定希望布鲁克林受洗,但是还不知道要选哪个宗教。”(‘I have a definite sense of spirituality. I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don’t know into what religion yet.)