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Letters to Jackie:写给第一夫人的信,至逆风飞扬的杰奎琳

Letters to Jackie:写给第一夫人的信,至逆风飞扬的杰奎琳


a book came out this week that presents a remarkable window into a nation's relationship with the first family, "letters to jackie." in the wake of the 1963 assassination of president john kennedy, a million and a half americans wrote his young widow. historian ellen fitzpatrick picked 250 letters that captured the outpouring. producer natalie edsell found four who wrote nearly 50 years ago.
dear mrs. kennedy, i know that you hate the whole state of texas. i do, too. i wish i lived in washington, d.c., where maybe i could maybe see you standing on your porch. they say i look like you, too, although i am a blond and wear glasses. i love you more than anyone, and i have an urge all the time to go to washington to maybe see you.
i started writing mrs. kennedy that week, and i wrote her once a week for six months.
dear mrs. kennedy, as i sat watching the tv set this afternoon, i decided to write to you and to extend my sincere sorrow and that of my fellow eighth graders at st. claire school, california. i firmly believe that your husband is sitting up in heaven right next to lincoln.

it was two days afterwards. i think i said to my mother, do you think i could write a letter? do you think that would -- would it get to mrs. kennedy if i wrote a letter? and she said, well, try.
dear jackie, since i can't say hello to you in person as i'd like to do, i sent this special card to say i'm thinking of you anyway. i know you will never be in need of a friend, but if you ever want a new one to talk to, i'm a very good listener.
it was just the compassion that you felt. and not pity, it was a love of friendship.
you know the admiration and respect, the devotion i had for your husband. now you should know that in addition to all the sympathy in the world, this universal admiration and respect is yours.
one of the special things that john kennedy did was launch the peace corps. and jacqueline kennedy was always a champion, interested in meeting the volunteers.
it has really allowed me an opportunity to reflect on sort of a continuous thread in my life of being -- of working in the context with people that are suffering. that is what my life's work has become.

i mailed it and it made me feel a little bit better. and then weeks later, maybe months later, i got a response from the white house. a little white card, piped in black, and a very simple line from mrs. kennedy. and that was a treasure.
it was a great surprise to be -- to have my letter there out of -- when there were so many that could have been chosen.
i think that conceivably that letter is one of the reasons that decades later when i ran and won election to the senate of the united states, she campaigned hard for me. i feel privileged to be in this book of marvelous letters, from the first digging into those letters, which i'm going to take home tonight and see if i can read without tears.
window: a way of seeing and learning about something 了解信息的渠道;窗口
in the wake of: coming after or following somebody/something 随...之后而来;跟随在...后

outpouring: a strong and sudden expression of feeling (感情的)迸发,倾泻
peace corps: 由美国肯尼迪总统发起的和平部队,将受过训练的志愿人士送到发展中国家提供技术服务
thread: an idea or a feature that is part of something greater; an idea that connects the different parts of something 线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线


window: a way of seeing and learning about something 了解信息的渠道;窗口
in the wake of: coming after or following somebody/something 随...之后而来;跟随在...后

outpouring: a strong and sudden expression of feeling (感情的)迸发,倾泻
peace corps: 由美国肯尼迪总统发起的和平部队,将受过训练的志愿人士送到发展中国家提供技术服务
thread: an idea or a feature that is part of something greater; an idea that connects the different parts of something 线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线

a book came out this week that presents a remarkable window into a nation's relationship with the first family, "letters to jackie." in the wake of the 1963 assassination of president john kennedy, a million and a half americans wrote his young widow. historian ellen fitzpatrick picked 250 letters that captured the outpouring. producer natalie edsell found four who wrote nearly 50 years ago.
dear mrs. kennedy, i know that you hate the whole state of texas. i do, too. i wish i lived in washington, d.c., where maybe i could maybe see you standing on your porch. they say i look like you, too, although i am a blond and wear glasses. i love you more than anyone, and i have an urge all the time to go to washington to maybe see you.
i started writing mrs. kennedy that week, and i wrote her once a week for six months.
dear mrs. kennedy, as i sat watching the tv set this afternoon, i decided to write to you and to extend my sincere sorrow and that of my fellow eighth graders at st. claire school, california. i firmly believe that your husband is sitting up in heaven right next to lincoln.
it was two days afterwards. i think i said to my mother, do you think i could write a letter? do you think that would -- would it get to mrs. kennedy if i wrote a letter? and she said, well, try.
dear jackie, since i can't say hello to you in person as i'd like to do, i sent this special card to say i'm thinking of you anyway. i know you will never be in need of a friend, but if you ever want a new one to talk to, i'm a very good listener.
it was just the compassion that you felt. and not pity, it was a love of friendship.
you know the admiration and respect, the devotion i had for your husband. now you should know that in addition to all the sympathy in the world, this universal admiration and respect is yours.
one of the special things that john kennedy did was launch the peace corps. and jacqueline kennedy was always a champion, interested in meeting the volunteers.
it has really allowed me an opportunity to reflect on sort of a continuous thread in my life of being -- of working in the context with people that are suffering. that is what my life's work has become.
i mailed it and it made me feel a little bit better. and then weeks later, maybe months later, i got a response from the white house. a little white card, piped in black, and a very simple line from mrs. kennedy. and that was a treasure.
it was a great surprise to be -- to have my letter there out of -- when there were so many that could have been chosen.
i think that conceivably that letter is one of the reasons that decades later when i ran and won election to the senate of the united states, she campaigned hard for me. i feel privileged to be in this book of marvelous letters, from the first digging into those letters, which i'm going to take home tonight and see if i can read without tears.



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