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Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 17-18)

Criminal Minds 第四季(Episode 17-18)

◎ Episode 17: Demonology (2009.03.11)
●He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.——Leonardo Da Vinci
【达芬奇(意大利建筑师、解剖学者、艺术家、工程师、数学家、发明家,1452-1519):不惩罪恶 无异于鼓动他人作恶。】(Prentiss)
●When Gretta remembers the boy she loved when she was younger and she says... I think he died for me.——James Joyce
【James Joyce(爱尔兰作家和诗人,1882-1941):Gretta 回想起年轻时爱过的男子,她说“我想他是为我而死...”出自短篇小说《死者》的结尾】(Prentiss)
●there is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the church as a human being.—— James Joyce
【James Joyce(爱尔兰作家和诗人,1882-1941):没有什么异端和哲学比人类更让教会憎恶。】(Rossi)
◎ Episode 18: Omnivore (2009.03.18)
●fate is not satisfied with inflicting one calamity. ——Publilius Syrus
【Publilius Syrus(罗马作家,公元前1世纪):祸不单行。】(Hotch)
●men heap together the mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny.——John Hobbes
【John Hobbes:人类因为不断犯错,最终走向邪恶,却称为其为命运。】(Hotch)

【达芬奇(意大利建筑师、解剖学者、艺术家、工程师、数学家、发明家,1452-1519):不惩罪恶 无异于鼓动他人作恶。】(Prentiss)
【James Joyce(爱尔兰作家和诗人,1882-1941):Gretta 回想起年轻时爱过的男子,她说“我想他是为我而死...”出自短篇小说《死者》的结尾】(Prentiss)
【James Joyce(爱尔兰作家和诗人,1882-1941):没有什么异端和哲学比人类更让教会憎恶。】(Rossi)
◎ Episode 18: Omnivore (2009.03.18)
【Publilius Syrus(罗马作家,公元前1世纪):祸不单行。】(Hotch)
◎ Episode 17: Demonology (2009.03.11)
●He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.——Leonardo Da Vinci
●When Gretta remembers the boy she loved when she was younger and she says... I think he died for me.——James Joyce
●there is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the church as a human being.—— James Joyce
●fate is not satisfied with inflicting one calamity. ——Publilius Syrus
●men heap together the mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny.——John Hobbes
【John Hobbes:人类因为不断犯错,最终走向邪恶,却称为其为命运。】(Hotch)