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Criminal Minds 第三季(Episode 19-20)

Criminal Minds 第三季(Episode 19-20)

◎ Episode 19: Tabula Rasa(2008.05.14)
●All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.——Anatole France
【法朗士(法国作家、诗人、文学评论家、社会活动家,本名Jacques Anatole François Thibault,因“France”是他父亲法朗索瓦的缩写,又因他热爱祖国法兰西,因而以祖国的名字作为自己的笔名,1844-1924):所有的改变,即使是最令人期待的,也有令人惆怅的一面;我们抛在脑后的一切仍如影随形;只有终结此生,我们才得以进入下一个轮回。】(Hotch)
●What though the radiance that was once so bright, Be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.——William Wordsworth
【华兹华斯(此句取自其诗作『Glory in the flower』):也曾灿烂辉煌,而今生死两茫茫。尽管无法找回当时,草之光鲜,花之芬芳。亦不要悲伤。要从中汲取留存的力量。】(本集配角Mr. Corbett剧中台词/Reid)
◎ Episode 20: Lo-Fi(2008.05.21)
●The man visited by ecstasies and visions, who takes dreams for realities, is an enthusiast. The man who supports his madness with murder is a fanatic.——Voltaire
【伏尔泰(此句出自其作品『哲学辞典(Philosophical Dictionary)』):情迷幻想的人将白日梦错认为现实,他们狂热且盲目。捍卫癫狂的人,不惜以屠戮为代价,他们入魔且极端。】(Hotch)

【法朗士(法国作家、诗人、文学评论家、社会活动家,本名Jacques Anatole François Thibault,因“France”是他父亲法朗索瓦的缩写,又因他热爱祖国法兰西,因而以祖国的名字作为自己的笔名,1844-1924):所有的改变,即使是最令人期待的,也有令人惆怅的一面;我们抛在脑后的一切仍如影随形;只有终结此生,我们才得以进入下一个轮回。】(Hotch)
【华兹华斯(此句取自其诗作『Glory in the flower』):也曾灿烂辉煌,而今生死两茫茫。尽管无法找回当时,草之光鲜,花之芬芳。亦不要悲伤。要从中汲取留存的力量。】(本集配角Mr. Corbett剧中台词/Reid)
◎ Episode 20: Lo-Fi(2008.05.21)
【伏尔泰(此句出自其作品『哲学辞典(Philosophical Dictionary)』):情迷幻想的人将白日梦错认为现实,他们狂热且盲目。捍卫癫狂的人,不惜以屠戮为代价,他们入魔且极端。】(Hotch)
◎ Episode 19: Tabula Rasa(2008.05.14)
●All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.——Anatole France
●What though the radiance that was once so bright, Be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.——William Wordsworth
●The man visited by ecstasies and visions, who takes dreams for realities, is an enthusiast. The man who supports his madness with murder is a fanatic.——Voltaire