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Unit 1 My classroom


Unit 1 B Let's check 检查一下
Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。
Let's clean the classroom, Mike. 迈克,我来打扫教室。
OK. Let me clean the blackboard. 好。我来擦黑板。
Let me clean the desk. 我来擦书桌。
This is my classroom. 这是我的教室。
The walls are green, the floor is white. 墙是绿色的,地板是白色的。
And the desks are brown. 书桌是棕色的。
Where is the fan? 风扇在哪?
It's near the window. 在窗户附近。

Unit 1 B Let's sing 一起唱吧
We have a new classroom 我们有一个新教室。
What's in your new classroom? 你们教室有什么?
Four walls and a door, 四面墙和一个门,
Pictures and windows, 图画和窗户,
and a yellow door! 还有一个黄色的门!
What's in your new classroom? 你们教室有什么?
Blackboard and a fan.黑板和风扇。
And I use some pictures. 我还用了一些图画。
That's of course you can. 当然可以用。




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