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The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏,The Firs

The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏,The Firs

The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏 点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com 上个星期天,爸爸带我去长安大戏院听京戏。我激动极了,因为我以前从没去过戏院听戏。正戏开始以前,戏院里播放的传统音乐就几乎把我迷倒了。我们就座不久,戏就正式开始了。京戏演员们的唱腔优美,身段漂亮,他们时不时赢得观众热烈的掌声。真是太美了。我非常热爱京戏。希望以后爸爸还能带我去。
The First Time to the Chang'an Theater
Last Sunday, father took me to the Chang'an Theater to appreciate Beijing Opera. I was excited, for this was the first time I went there. Before the performance began, the classical music spreading around the whole theater attracted me deeply. Shortly after we were seated, the opera began. The performers were playing whole-heartedly. They were singing with graceful posture on the stage. Their performance was perfect and won warm and prolonged applause. Oh! What a wonderful opera! I love it awfully. I really hope to go there again.
The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏 点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com

The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏 点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com 上个星期天,爸爸带我去长安大戏院听京戏。我激动极了,因为我以前从没去过戏院听戏。正戏开始以前,戏院里播放的传统音乐就几乎把我迷倒了。我们就座不久,戏就正式开始了。京戏演员们的唱腔优美,身段漂亮,他们时不时赢得观众热烈的掌声。真是太美了。我非常热爱京戏。希望以后爸爸还能带我去。
The First Time to the Chang'an Theater

Last Sunday, father took me to the Chang'an Theater to appreciate Beijing Opera. I was excited, for this was the first time I went there. Before the performance began, the classical music spreading around the whole theater attracted me deeply. Shortly after we were seated, the opera began. The performers were playing whole-heartedly. They were singing with graceful posture on the stage. Their performance was perfect and won warm and prolonged applause. Oh! What a wonderful opera! I love it awfully. I really hope to go there again.
The First Time to the Changan Theaterv-第一次听京戏 点点英语网收集整理 www.ddyingyu.com



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