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The Moonlight-月光,The Moonlight-月光范文

The Moonlight-月光,The Moonlight-月光范文

The Moonlight-月光由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 这是一个宁静的夜晚,我躺在床上看着月光。这样的夜晚我无法入睡,我完全被月光感动了。她挂在天空上,那么真诚、无私而无声无息地为夜行人照明。她分明是在对我微笑。月,确实是静谧和和平的象征。
It was a quiet night. I lay in bed sleepless, watching the moonlight. I was totally moved by the moonlight. She was hanging alone in the sky, but she seemed so honest and selfless, giving light to those people who were walking in the night without asking for anything. I apparenfiy saw her smiling at me. She is really a symbol of slience, and peace.
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The Moonlight-月光由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 这是一个宁静的夜晚,我躺在床上看着月光。这样的夜晚我无法入睡,我完全被月光感动了。她挂在天空上,那么真诚、无私而无声无息地为夜行人照明。她分明是在对我微笑。月,确实是静谧和和平的象征。
It was a quiet night. I lay in bed sleepless, watching the moonlight. I was totally moved by the moonlight. She was hanging alone in the sky, but she seemed so honest and selfless, giving light to those people who were walking in the night without asking for anything. I apparenfiy saw her smiling at me. She is really a symbol of slience, and peace.
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