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An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天,An Eye-opening Day-大开眼

An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天,An Eye-opening Day-大开眼

An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 今天爸爸带我去科技馆参观。我很喜欢发明创造,我知道科学技术是人类进步的最大推动力。进入科技馆后,迎面采了一位讲解员给我们做讲解。我仔细听着他解释这些高科技产品的由采。那天,我看到了很多以前从没看到过的飞机模型、卫星模型等等。真是大开眼界的一天。
An Eye-opening Day
Today father took me to the Science and Technology Center. I am fond of invention very much. I know that science and technology is the greatest driving force of human progress. When we entered the Center, there came an interpreter who explained to us the process of those inventions. I saw many plane and satellite models that I have never seen before. It's really an eye-opening day to me.
An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网

An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网 今天爸爸带我去科技馆参观。我很喜欢发明创造,我知道科学技术是人类进步的最大推动力。进入科技馆后,迎面采了一位讲解员给我们做讲解。我仔细听着他解释这些高科技产品的由采。那天,我看到了很多以前从没看到过的飞机模型、卫星模型等等。真是大开眼界的一天。
An Eye-opening Day

Today father took me to the Science and Technology Center. I am fond of invention very much. I know that science and technology is the greatest driving force of human progress. When we entered the Center, there came an interpreter who explained to us the process of those inventions. I saw many plane and satellite models that I have never seen before. It's really an eye-opening day to me.
An Eye-opening Day-大开眼界的一天由点点英语网整理收集 点点英语网



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