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徒步旅行-Travel on Foot,徒步旅行-Travel on Foot范文

徒步旅行-Travel on Foot,徒步旅行-Travel on Foot范文

徒步旅行-Travel on Foot 点点英语网整理收集 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com 我喜欢在假期跟哥哥一起徒步旅行。刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。于是哥哥就给我讲动听的故事。他一边讲我们一边走,不知不觉走了很远。哥哥问我:“你还累吗?”呵呵,我早把“累”这回事忘到九霄云外去了。
Travel on Foot
I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays. At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily. Then my brother started to tell me some interesting stories. We walked and walked while he didn't stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing. Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind.
徒步旅行-Travel on Foot 点点英语网整理收集 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com

徒步旅行-Travel on Foot 点点英语网整理收集 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com 我喜欢在假期跟哥哥一起徒步旅行。刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。于是哥哥就给我讲动听的故事。他一边讲我们一边走,不知不觉走了很远。哥哥问我:“你还累吗?”呵呵,我早把“累”这回事忘到九霄云外去了。
Travel on Foot

I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays. At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily. Then my brother started to tell me some interesting stories. We walked and walked while he didn't stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing. Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind.
徒步旅行-Travel on Foot 点点英语网整理收集 论文网 www.ddyingyu.com



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